[Wine] Re: wine config problems on Kubuntu 9.04

nadrach wineforum-user at winehq.org
Thu Oct 27 07:39:34 CDT 2011

The wine drive C: situation is an unresolved bug associated with the behaviour of the Application launcher and the command specified for the "Browse Drive C:" icon installed by Wine:


there are many Ubuntu/Kubuntu threads with queries ever since around 2008, I found possible fixes in:




but perhaps it would be better if the "Browse C: Drive" icon were removed from the wine install. It only gives access to the C: drive for the default wine prefix and you have to use winetricks to change the prefix to get at the C: drive for any application installed under a different prefix. The practice of installing each Windows Application in its own prefix may make operating sense but it is the hardest thing I have to explain to newbies for whom I install Linux.

Also I do wonder what happens if I try to run two windows applications at the same time which are installed in different prefixes and therefore refer to separate C: drives. Not actually tried this yet ... what am I likely to see?

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