[Wine] Re: failed to load avisynth.dll

A3s wineforum-user at winehq.org
Thu Jan 19 13:35:06 CST 2012


And I've just found out that my Gentoo's wine is of 1.2.3, 
When upgrading to 1.3.37, it fails, too..

After some tests, for each fresh new wine install (i.e. rm -rf ~/.wine)

The Following versions didn't work! (Failed to load avisynth.dll)
Gentoo Linux amd64 with 32-bit wine-1.3.37
FreeBSD 9.0R amd64 with 32-bit >= wine-1.3.20

The following works!
Gentoo Linux amd64 with 32-bit wine-1.2.3
FreeBSD 9.0R amd64 with 32-bit wine-1.3.16, wine-1.3.18 (i have no 1.3.19 package)

And if ... (test under FreeBSD)

1. install wine-1.3.16 at first,
2. install avisynth.exe,
3. remove wine-1.3.16 
4. do not delete the old ~/.wine
5. install wine-1.3.36
6. wine avs2yuv.exe works!!

That is:
*. ~/.wine @1.3.16 # works.
*. ~/.wine @1.3.36 # didn't work.
*. ~/.wine @1.3.16 ’ 1.3.36 # works.

wine-1.3.20 seems to be the regression point.

I've filed a bug report.

Thanks everyone.

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