[Wine] Help with Wine and running exe w/ possible malware?

AlexOnVinyl wineforum-user at winehq.org
Mon Jan 23 01:44:57 CST 2012

An exe file that I want to run on linux made for windows comes up as a Trojan on VirusTotal - how would I run it without it affecting my system?

Is there any way that I can run this program on my Linux system without possibly getting a virus?

Other people have told me that it would affect your wine prefix located normally inside ~/.wine and that any program running inside a wine prefix has only access to the virtual bottle in that .wine prefix folder in your home and nothing else. They are close inside that bottle.

Is this true? how would I create a secure environment to run this program?

For those wondering - this program is a program for development with my Nintendo Wii.

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