[Wine] New Ubuntu user, read FAQ, need help testing Galactic Civili

Frédéric Delanoy frederic.delanoy at gmail.com
Fri Mar 30 03:54:53 CDT 2012

On Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 06:06, thomasmbrooks <wineforum-user at winehq.org> wrote:
> 1) I read the FAQ. It say use wine 1.4. Synaptic says 1.3 is the latest available. Is this a problem? I have the PPA loaded into synaptic.
> 2) Database says Galactic Civilizations (2004 game from Stardock) works, but doesn't for me. Of course the last test is about 5 years old. I can get it to install and I can get the program to start running, but after configuring the galaxy things crash. I cannot interpret the information I get from executing
> Code:
> wine 'C:\GalCiv\galciv.exe'
>  which does seem to be the command to execute the game. I'm convinced I am missing a debugging trick or command parameter or SOMETHING that would give me some more information. GalCiv is old, but if I can get some help, I'd like to volunteer to keep it operational within wine.
> I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 and wine 1.3. Any suggestions?

wine1.3 is a package name.
Use 'wine --version' to report the actual version (or check the value
under 'Installed Version" or "Latest Version" column in synaptic)

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