[Wine] "Internal errors - Invalid parameters received" with Starcraft Resolution Hack

Christoph Korn c_korn at gmx.de
Sat May 19 17:38:13 CDT 2012


trying the Resolution Hack for Starcraft I there is the error "Internal errors 
- Invalid parameters received" after I click on "start" in the hack.

The hack can be downloaded here:

It was designed to be able to play Starcraft in a higher resolution. The 
launcher is written in a .NET language so you need to install dotnet20 using 
winetricks. I created an empty wineprefix for the testing.

The files from the zip file need to be extracted into the game directory. Then 
run "wine StarcraftResolutionHack.exe". Choose your resolution and press 
"start". Then wine should bring this error message and StarCraft opens. But 
the hack does not work actually.

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