Hotel information

Brian Vincent (C) VincentB at
Sat Nov 22 23:07:52 CST 2003

> You promised on the web site to get up hotel information. I'm waiting 
> to hear what hotel will be close to the conference facilities so I can 
> get an estimate for total cost of the trip, and thus whether I'm 
> likely to arrive or not.

hm.  I think your airfare will be much heftier than hotel.  Not 
sure if there's anything organized yet, but you can probably figure 
on a cost of $70 - $100 per night.  

Was someone going to organize group rates?  I'd think we'd be able
to save a bit off rack rates.  Of course, we'll also be in town over
the weekend.  With a little luck things will be cheaper than normal
business travel.

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