How about holding Wineconf at Google's campus in Mountain View, California?

Tom Wickline twickline at
Tue Feb 6 21:38:51 CST 2007

On 2/6/07, Dan Kegel <dank06 at> wrote:
> I'd love to do that.  I've heard, though, that a European location would
> maximize the number of core Wine developers who can attend...
> - Dan

Is it possible that we take a step back and look at our current options?
There are obviously positives and negatives no matter where we decide
to hold the conference.

(1) Hold the conference in Amsterdam.

+ This location will be convenient to most European hackers.
+ CodeWeavers, the local university, WPF as sponsors.
- At this time only a single organizer.
- North American attendees have to trek over to Amsterdam.
- We will most likely have to rent a conference hall.
- Europe is somewhat expensive to North American travelers.
- Video feeds would most likely be a huge undertaking.

(2) Hold the conference in St. Paul

+ This location will be convenient to most North American hackers.
+ CodeWeavers, WPF as sponsors.
+ Somewhat large number of CW employees in St.Paul to help with organization.
+ Lodging and food are inexpensive in St. Paul
- European attendees have to trek over to St. Paul
- We will most likely have to rent a conference hall?
- Video feeds would most likely be a huge undertaking.

(3) Hold the conference in LA

+ This location will be convenient to most North American hackers.
+ CodeWeavers, Google, WPF as sponsors.
+ Somewhat large number of Dan's students to help with organization.
+ There is good video technologies at the google complex.
+ Conference hall provided by Google
+ It is possible to find inexpensive lodging and food in LA
(?) What's the possibilities of Google making a monetary donation?
- European attendees have to trek over to LA



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