Tips for those arriving at Wineconf

Shachar Shemesh shachar at
Fri Nov 19 03:47:41 CST 2010

On 18/11/10 18:24, Owen Rudge wrote:
>> - if you're flying into Charles de Gaul airport, bring 8 euros *in
>> coins* for the train ticket into town
> Does the machine not accept Euro notes? Since that might be a problem 
> for most of us I imagine!
Some do, some don't. You'd often get a row of machines, where only the 
one at the end accepts notes. In theory, "information" might be kind 
enough to break your note into coins, but:

    * I have never tried this
    * The common notion is that French don't like to help English
      speaking foreigners. I should add right now that my personal
      experience from over 15 years that my sister lives in France, and
      therefor having had multiple visits here, is 100% contradicting to
      this notion. Ask a random person on the street for help in a
      polite and quite manner, and they'll do their very best to help
      you, language barriers not withstanding.


Shachar Shemesh
Lingnu Open Source Consulting Ltd.

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