[Bug 31438] [EA Origin]Unable to download game since the new version

wine-bugs at winehq.org wine-bugs at winehq.org
Fri Nov 7 10:01:47 CST 2014


--- Comment #160 from jre.winesim at gmail.com ---
Steve Dawson's patch update works fine. (Anybody willing to tell me (in a PM)
how to figure out the binary sequence to look for?)

Based on this I ran:

$ cmp -bl Qt5Network.dll.orig Qt5Network.dll
 551778   0 ^@     1 ^A

and now have the handy one-liner again:

printf '\x01' | dd of=Qt5Network.dll bs=1 seek=551777  count=2 conv=notrunc

md5sum Qt5Network.dll*
97c011f2df67fed4640058778a0d745f  Qt5Network.dll
e0a5dc63aadcbaf671625dd8fa965e48  Qt5Network.dll.orig

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