[Bug 36514] King's Quest: Mask of Eternity requires MCIWndCreate to create a child window when parent is specified

wine-bugs at winehq.org wine-bugs at winehq.org
Thu Dec 3 05:23:50 CST 2015


--- Comment #5 from Nico Bendlin <nico at nicode.net> ---
If you want to test what happens if the game explicitly specifies WS_CHILD in
the MCIWndCreateA call without rebuilding Wine, you can replace the following
byte sequence (valid for all known Mask.exe versions):

; old
; 8B 84 24 B8 00 00 00   mov     eax, [esp+000000B8h]
; 8B 4C 24 10            mov     ecx, [esp+10h]
; 8B 54 24 1C            mov     edx, [esp+1Ch]
; 50                     push    eax ; szFile
; 6A 02                  push    02h ; dwStyle (MCIWNDF_NOPLAYBAR)
; 51                     push    ecx ; hInstance
; 52                     push    edx ; hwndParent
; E8 __ __ __ __         call    MCIWndCreateA
8B 84 24 B8 00 00 00 8B 4C 24 10 8B 54 24 1C 50 6A 02 51 52 E8
; new
; FF B4 24 B8 00 00 00    push    dword ptr [esp+000000B8h] ; szFile
; 68 02 00 00 40          push    40000002h                 ; dwStyle (WS_CHILD
; FF 74 24 18             push    dword ptr [esp+18h]       ; hInstance
; FF 74 24 28             push    dword ptr [esp+28h]       ; hwndParent
; E8 __ __ __ __          call    MCIWndCreateA
FF B4 24 B8 00 00 00 68 02 00 00 40 FF 74 24 18 FF 74 24 28 E8

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