[Bug 47027] EA Origin client crashes on startup ( Origin IGO hook engine can't cope with GOT/ PIC register load code at API entry, needs DECLSPEC_HOTPATCH for user32.SetForegroundWindow)

wine-bugs at winehq.org wine-bugs at winehq.org
Mon Apr 29 10:55:39 CDT 2019


Anastasius Focht <focht at gmx.net> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
            Summary|EA Origin: Crashes on start |EA Origin client crashes on
                   |                            |startup (Origin IGO hook
                   |                            |engine can't cope with
                   |                            |GOT/PIC register load code
                   |                            |at API entry, needs
                   |                            |DECLSPEC_HOTPATCH for
                   |                            |user32.SetForegroundWindow)
                 CC|                            |focht at gmx.net
             Status|UNCONFIRMED                 |NEW
          Component|-unknown                    |user32
     Ever confirmed|0                           |1

--- Comment #10 from Anastasius Focht <focht at gmx.net> ---
Hello folks,


Snapshot of download:


Since you already found the culprit this is supplemental information.

Trace log of client (avoid updater).
Don't trace using relay, it affects the hook engine.

--- snip ---
$ pwd
/home/focht/.wine/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Origin

$ WINEDEBUG=+seh,+loaddll,+process wine ./Origin.exe /noUpdate /timing:1075
0009:trace:loaddll:load_native_dll Loaded L"C:\\Program Files
(x86)\\Origin\\IGO32.dll" at 0x48f0000: native 
0009:trace:seh:raise_exception code=c0000005 flags=0 addr=0x4999fe5 ip=04999fe5
0009:trace:seh:raise_exception  info[0]=00000000
0009:trace:seh:raise_exception  info[1]=08819178
0009:trace:seh:raise_exception  eax=00129158 ebx=00046710 ecx=00000000
edx=7e320138 esi=00129620 edi=086f0000
0009:trace:seh:raise_exception  ebp=0034e0a8 esp=0034e05c cs=0023 ds=002b
es=002b fs=0063 gs=006b flags=00010246
0009:trace:seh:call_stack_handlers calling handler at 0x499fd85 code=c0000005
0009:trace:seh:_except_handler4_common exception c0000005 flags=0 at 0x4999fe5
handler=0x499fd85 0x34dd38 0x34dc8c cookie=62e26657 scope table=0x49d1000
0009:trace:seh:_except_handler4_common level 1 prev 0 filter 0x499a00f
0009:trace:seh:_except_handler4_common filter returned EXECUTE_HANDLER
0009:trace:seh:__DestructExceptionObject (0x34e004)
0009:trace:seh:_global_unwind2 (0x34e098)
0009:trace:seh:__regs_RtlUnwind code=c0000027 flags=2 
--- snip ---

The in-game overlay logs some diagnostics in 'IGO_Log.Origin_<pid>.txt' located
in 'c:\ProgramData\Origin\Logs':

--- snip ---
Process Information
    PID: 8
    EXE: C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin\Origin.exe
STARTED: Mon, Apr 29 2019 03:50:10 PM
WARN    03:50:10 PM (0)    9        IGOTelemetry.cpp:   77        Unable to
retrieve telemetry prod id
WARN    03:50:10 PM (0)    9        IGOTelemetry.cpp:   87        Unable to
retrieve telemetry timestamp
WARN    03:50:10 PM (9)    9             DllMain.cpp: 2243       
WARN    03:50:10 PM (0)    9             DllMain.cpp: 2256        Creating IGO
INFO    03:50:10 PM (0)    9             DllMain.cpp: 2335        Info Display:
INFO    03:50:10 PM (0)    9             DllMain.cpp: 2340        32-bit DLL
Process attach - 9
WARN    03:50:10 PM (3)    9             DllMain.cpp: 2366       
forceAPIHooking = true
INFO    03:50:10 PM (0)    9             DllMain.cpp: 2393        parent
process name:  (size 0)
INFO    03:50:11 PM (426)    9               mhook.cpp:  442       
TrampolineAlloc: for 7E366710 (DoDragDrop) between 00000001 and FE2E6710
INFO    03:50:11 PM (1)    9               mhook.cpp:  192        mhooks:
BlockAlloc: Allocated block at 7F000000 as 282 trampolines
INFO    03:50:11 PM (0)    9               mhook.cpp:  442       
TrampolineAlloc: for 7E68A210 (SetFocus) between 00000001 and FE60A210
INFO    03:50:11 PM (0)    9               mhook.cpp:  442       
TrampolineAlloc: for 7E68A0B0 (SetForegroundWindow) between 00000001 and
INFO    03:50:11 PM (0)    9               mhook.cpp:  442       
TrampolineAlloc: for 7E6E9260 (BringWindowToTop) between 00000001 and FE669260
INFO    03:50:11 PM (0)    9               mhook.cpp:  442       
TrampolineAlloc: for 7E6E99D0 (SwitchToThisWindow) between 00000001 and
INFO    03:50:11 PM (0)    9               mhook.cpp:  442       
TrampolineAlloc: for 7E6E9880 (ShowWindowAsync) between 00000001 and FE669880
INFO    03:50:11 PM (0)    9               mhook.cpp:  442       
TrampolineAlloc: for 7E6E9920 (ShowWindow) between 00000001 and FE669920
INFO    03:50:11 PM (0)    9               mhook.cpp:  442       
TrampolineAlloc: for 7E6E88E0 (SetWindowPos) between 00000001 and FE6688E0
INFO    03:50:11 PM (0)    9               mhook.cpp:  442       
TrampolineAlloc: for 7E68A120 (SetActiveWindow) between 00000001 and FE60A120
INFO    03:50:11 PM (1)    9               mhook.cpp:  442       
TrampolineAlloc: for 7B4499F0 (CreateFileW) between 00000001 and FB3C99F0
--- snip ---

Original 'user32.SetForegroundWindow' in memory before the hooking:

--- snip ---
7E657A41  8B0424          MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP]
7E657A44  C3              RETN
7E68A0B0  E8 8CD9FCFF     CALL 7E657A41
7E68A0B5  05 4B6F0B00     ADD EAX,0B6F4B
7E68A0BA  8D4C24 04       LEA ECX,[ESP+4]
7E68A0BE  83E4 F0         AND ESP,FFFFFFF0
7E68A0C1  FF71 FC         PUSH DWORD PTR DS:[ECX-4]
7E68A0C4  55              PUSH EBP
7E68A0C5  89E5            MOV EBP,ESP
7E68A0C7  53              PUSH EBX
7E68A0C8  8B19            MOV EBX,DWORD PTR DS:[ECX]
7E68A0CA  51              PUSH ECX
7E68A0CB  F680 80B60E00 0 TEST BYTE PTR DS:[EAX+0EB680],08
7E68A0D2  75 1C           JNE SHORT 7E68A0F0
7E68A0D4  83EC 0C         SUB ESP,0C
7E68A0D7  53              PUSH EBX
7E68A0D8  E8 332C0500     CALL 7E6DCD10
7E68A0DD  31D2            XOR EDX,EDX
7E68A0DF  E8 7CFEFFFF     CALL 7E689F60
7E68A0E4  8D65 F8         LEA ESP,[EBP-8]
7E68A0E7  59              POP ECX
7E68A0E8  5B              POP EBX
7E68A0E9  5D              POP EBP
7E68A0EA  8D61 FC         LEA ESP,[ECX-4]
7E68A0ED  C2 0400         RETN 4
--- snip ---

After hooking:

--- snip ---
7E68A0B0  E9 1BEED091     JMP 10398ED0
7E68A0B5  05 4B6F0B00     ADD EAX,0B6F4B
7E68A0BA  8D4C24 04       LEA ECX,[ESP+4]
--- snip ---

Hook trampoline target:

--- snip ---
Executable modules, item 26
  Base = 10000000
  Size = 02839000 (42176512.)
  Entry = 10694B47
  Name = OriginClient
  Type =
  File version = 10,5,38,25027
  Static links = api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0, dbghelp, KERNEL32, MSVCP140,
ole32, OLEAUT32, Qt5Core, Qt5Gui, Qt5Multimedia, Qt5Network, Qt5PrintSupport,
Qt5QuickWidgets, Qt5WebChannel, Qt5WebEngineCore, Qt5WebEngineWidgets,
Qt5Widgets, Qt5Xml, SHELL32, SHLWAPI, USER32,
  Path = C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin\OriginClient.dll
--- snip ---

This obviously can't work as already explained many times.


--- snip ---
$ objdump -d
/home/focht/projects/wine/mainline-install-x86_64/lib/wine/user32.dll.so | awk
-F"\n" -v RS="\n\n" '$1 ~ /SetForegroundWindow/'
0005d0c0 <SetForegroundWindow>:
   5d0c0:    8b ff                    mov    %edi,%edi
   5d0c2:    55                       push   %ebp
   5d0c3:    8b ec                    mov    %esp,%ebp
   5d0c5:    e8 77 d9 fc ff           call   2aa41 <__x86.get_pc_thunk.ax>
   5d0ca:    05 36 6f 0b 00           add    $0xb6f36,%eax
   5d0cf:    5d                       pop    %ebp
   5d0d0:    8d 4c 24 04              lea    0x4(%esp),%ecx
   5d0d4:    83 e4 f0                 and    $0xfffffff0,%esp
   5d0d7:    ff 71 fc                 pushl  -0x4(%ecx)
   5d0da:    55                       push   %ebp
   5d0db:    89 e5                    mov    %esp,%ebp
   5d0dd:    53                       push   %ebx
   5d0de:    8b 19                    mov    (%ecx),%ebx
   5d0e0:    51                       push   %ecx
   5d0e1:    f6 80 80 b6 0e 00 08     testb  $0x8,0xeb680(%eax)
   5d0e8:    75 26                    jne    5d110 <SetForegroundWindow+0x50>
--- snip ---

which works as expected.

$ sha1sum OriginSetup.exe 
9fc129ddb49d13904b8419d128c5c96077cf9b26  OriginSetup.exe

$ du -sh OriginSetup.exe 
221M    OriginSetup.exe

$ wine --version


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