[Bug 52475] Shogun Total War 2 crashes on start up. (Main Application.)

WineHQ Bugzilla wine-bugs at winehq.org
Wed Feb 16 05:13:40 CST 2022


--- Comment #4 from Patrick Hibbs <hibbsncc1701 at gmail.com> ---
Created attachment 71867
  --> https://bugs.winehq.org/attachment.cgi?id=71867
Game memory map during init. Dumped from /proc using gdb.

Some additional info that I've worked out:

As winedbg cannot get a trace, I've dumped the memory map via gdb during the
game's init to get a list of it's mapped addresses. (That's been attached to
this report.)

As a sidenote, this game has most of it's logic inside of a DLL called
Shogun2.dll instead of it's main exe. The main exe simply acts as the initial
entry point for the game, does some relocations, and makes some VirtualAlloc()
calls to allocate some (rather large) buffers before handing those buffers off
as an array to the dll's entry_point() function (via LoadLibraryA() /

The crashing instruction at 578C4345 / 579F4345 is within Shogun2.dll @ (Base +
0x874345) The function for that address starts at (Base + 0x874220) and looks
like this:

---- snip ----

10874220 83 ec 1c        SUB        ESP,0x1c
10874223 53              PUSH       EBX
10874224 55              PUSH       EBP
10874225 56              PUSH       ESI
10874226 57              PUSH       EDI
10874227 8b 44 24 30     MOV        EAX,dword ptr [ESP + param_1]
1087422b d9 41 30        FLD        dword ptr [this + 0x30]
1087422e 8b 10           MOV        EDX,dword ptr [EAX]
10874230 8b 40 04        MOV        EAX,dword ptr [EAX + 0x4]
10874233 f3 0f 10        MOVSS      XMM1,dword ptr [this + 0x20]
         49 20
10874238 89 44 24 18     MOV        dword ptr [ESP + local_14],EAX
1087423c f3 0f 58        ADDSS      XMM1,dword ptr [ESP + local_14]
         4c 24 18
10874242 89 54 24 14     MOV        dword ptr [ESP + local_18],EDX
10874246 f3 0f 10        MOVSS      XMM0,dword ptr [ESP + local_18]
         44 24 14
1087424c f3 0f 58        ADDSS      XMM0,dword ptr [this + 0x1c]
         41 1c
10874251 f3 0f 11        MOVSS      dword ptr [ESP + local_14],XMM1
         4c 24 18
10874257 8b 44 24 18     MOV        EAX,dword ptr [ESP + local_14]
1087425b f3 0f 10        MOVSS      XMM1,dword ptr [this + 0x2c]
         49 2c
10874260 89 44 24 20     MOV        dword ptr [ESP + local_c],EAX
10874264 d8 4c 24 20     FMUL       dword ptr [ESP + local_c]
10874268 f3 0f 11        MOVSS      dword ptr [ESP + local_18],XMM0
         44 24 14
1087426e 8b 54 24 14     MOV        EDX,dword ptr [ESP + local_18]
10874272 d9 5c 24 20     FSTP       dword ptr [ESP + local_c]
10874276 8b 44 24 20     MOV        EAX,dword ptr [ESP + local_c]
1087427a 89 54 24 1c     MOV        dword ptr [ESP + local_10],EDX
1087427e f3 0f 59 c8     MULSS      XMM1,XMM0
10874282 f3 0f 10        MOVSS      XMM0,dword ptr [DAT_11632090]              
     = BF000000h
         05 90 20 
         63 11
1087428a f3 0f 11        MOVSS      dword ptr [ESP + local_10],XMM1
         4c 24 1c
10874290 8b 54 24 1c     MOV        EDX,dword ptr [ESP + local_10]
10874294 89 54 24 24     MOV        dword ptr [ESP + local_8],EDX
10874298 89 44 24 28     MOV        dword ptr [ESP + local_4],EAX
1087429c f3 0f 11        MOVSS      dword ptr [ESP + local_1c],XMM0
         44 24 10
108742a2 d9 44 24 28     FLD        dword ptr [ESP + local_4]
108742a6 dc c0           FADD       ST0,ST0
108742a8 d8 44 24 10     FADD       dword ptr [ESP + local_1c]
108742ac db 5c 24 30     FISTP      dword ptr [ESP + param_1]
108742b0 d1 7c 24 30     SAR        dword ptr [ESP + param_1],1
108742b4 8b 7c 24 30     MOV        EDI,dword ptr [ESP + param_1]
108742b8 f3 0f 11        MOVSS      dword ptr [ESP + local_18],XMM0
         44 24 14
108742be d9 44 24 24     FLD        dword ptr [ESP + local_8]
108742c2 dc c0           FADD       ST0,ST0
108742c4 d8 44 24 14     FADD       dword ptr [ESP + local_18]
108742c8 db 5c 24 10     FISTP      dword ptr [ESP + local_1c]
108742cc d1 7c 24 10     SAR        dword ptr [ESP + local_1c],1
108742d0 8b 74 24 10     MOV        ESI,dword ptr [ESP + local_1c]
108742d4 8b d6           MOV        EDX,ESI
108742d6 85 d2           TEST       EDX,EDX
108742d8 89 54 24 14     MOV        dword ptr [ESP + local_18],EDX
108742dc db 44 24 14     FILD       dword ptr [ESP + local_18]
108742e0 7d 06           JGE        LAB_108742e8
108742e2 d8 05 54        FADD       dword ptr [DAT_11631554]
         15 63 11
                     LAB_108742e8                                    XREF[1]:  
108742e8 d8 6c 24 1c     FSUBR      dword ptr [ESP + local_10]
108742ec 8b c7           MOV        EAX,EDI
108742ee 85 c0           TEST       EAX,EAX
108742f0 89 44 24 14     MOV        dword ptr [ESP + local_18],EAX
108742f4 db 44 24 14     FILD       dword ptr [ESP + local_18]
108742f8 7d 06           JGE        LAB_10874300
108742fa d8 05 54        FADD       dword ptr [DAT_11631554]
         15 63 11
                     LAB_10874300                                    XREF[1]:  
10874300 8b 59 0c        MOV        EBX,dword ptr [this + 0xc]
10874303 d8 6c 24 20     FSUBR      dword ptr [ESP + local_c]
10874307 8d 46 01        LEA        EAX,[ESI + 0x1]
1087430a 3b d8           CMP        EBX,EAX
1087430c 72 02           JC         LAB_10874310
1087430e 8b d8           MOV        EBX,EAX
                     LAB_10874310                                    XREF[1]:  
10874310 8b 69 10        MOV        EBP,dword ptr [this + 0x10]
10874313 8d 47 01        LEA        EAX,[EDI + 0x1]
10874316 3b e8           CMP        EBP,EAX
10874318 72 02           JC         LAB_1087431c
1087431a 8b e8           MOV        EBP,EAX
                     LAB_1087431c                                    XREF[1]:  
1087431c 8b 51 04        MOV        EDX,dword ptr [this + 0x4]
1087431f d9 e8           FLD1
10874321 8b 49 34        MOV        this,dword ptr [this + 0x34]
10874324 d9 c0           FLD        ST0
10874326 d8 e2           FSUB       ST0,ST2
10874328 8b c2           MOV        EAX,EDX
1087432a 0f af d5        IMUL       EDX,EBP
1087432d d9 c9           FXCH
1087432f d8 e3           FSUB       ST0,ST3
10874331 0f af c7        IMUL       EAX,EDI
10874334 8d 3c 32        LEA        EDI,[EDX + ESI*0x1]
10874337 d9 04 b9        FLD        dword ptr [this + EDI*0x4]
1087433a 8d 3c 18        LEA        EDI,[EAX + EBX*0x1]
1087433d d8 c9           FMUL       ST1
1087433f 03 c6           ADD        EAX,ESI
10874341 03 d3           ADD        EDX,EBX
10874343 d8 cb           FMUL       ST3
10874345 d9 04 b9        FLD        dword ptr [this + EDI*0x4] <--- CRASH
10874348 5f              POP        EDI
10874349 d8 cb           FMUL       ST3
1087434b 5e              POP        ESI
1087434c 5d              POP        EBP
1087434d 5b              POP        EBX
1087434e d8 cd           FMUL       ST5
10874350 de c1           FADDP
10874352 d9 04 81        FLD        dword ptr [this + EAX*0x4]
10874355 de ca           FMULP      ST2
10874357 d9 c9           FXCH
10874359 de ca           FMULP      ST2
1087435b de c1           FADDP
1087435d d9 04 91        FLD        dword ptr [this + EDX*0x4]
10874360 de ca           FMULP      ST2
10874362 d9 c9           FXCH
10874364 de ca           FMULP      ST2
10874366 de c1           FADDP
10874368 83 c4 1c        ADD        ESP,0x1c
1087436b c2 04 00        RET        0x4

---- snip ----

The function is clearly part of a C++ object and is called multiple times
through out Shogun2.dll. All of the calls trace back out to another function
(Base + f2f700) where we start seeing pointers to strings like "Tree Display"
and "Wind Gauge Display". Which, along with the floating point opcodes makes me
think that this is some GUI init code. Unfortunately, I've yet to be able to
backtrace it any further.

The following is conjecture: As the failing instruction seems to be accessing
part of the stack, my guess is that the function never quite worked properly at
all under wine. The only reason it did so previously was because the pointer
math wound up giving it a valid page address, and as of the blamed commit, the
stack for this function no longer lines up that way. The game clearly doesn't
expect this opcode or indeed this function to fail with an exception. As none
of the calls to it that I have seen thus far include any exception handler
specifically for it. Without seeing an allocation for this object however, I
have no idea what it was expecting.

If anyone has some suggestions for debugging this I would love to hear them. As
for myself, while I was trying to debug this I ran into a crash on read access
in ntdll:HEAP_FindFreeBlock. (Triggered by a call I made to HeapAlloc to
allocate a 4096 byte buffer.) It seems the first LIST_ENTRY() call returned a
NULL pointer. So I've been trying to hunt that one down.

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