Rob Shearman : ole32: Implement the GetData function of the data cache to using the

Alexandre Julliard julliard at
Tue Dec 5 04:51:00 CST 2006

Module: wine
Branch: master
Commit: 878d5e9cec42408e36b0fac05d7ee2b6d6d48196

Author: Rob Shearman <rob at>
Date:   Mon Dec  4 15:51:20 2006 +0000

ole32: Implement the GetData function of the data cache to using the
existing LoadData function and fix GetData to also return data that
has been set, rather than loaded.


 dlls/ole32/datacache.c |  110 +++++++++--------------------------------------
 1 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 89 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dlls/ole32/datacache.c b/dlls/ole32/datacache.c
index 0e7666a..301be87 100644
--- a/dlls/ole32/datacache.c
+++ b/dlls/ole32/datacache.c
@@ -732,6 +732,20 @@ static HRESULT DataCacheEntry_SetData(Da
                                &This->stgmedium, stgmedium);
+static HRESULT DataCacheEntry_GetData(DataCacheEntry *This,
+                                      STGMEDIUM *stgmedium)
+    if (stgmedium->tymed == TYMED_NULL && This->storage)
+    {
+        HRESULT hr = DataCacheEntry_LoadData(This);
+        if (FAILED(hr))
+            return hr;
+    }
+    if (stgmedium->tymed == TYMED_NULL)
+        return OLE_E_BLANK;
+    return copy_stg_medium(This->data_cf, stgmedium, &This->stgmedium);
 static inline HRESULT DataCacheEntry_DiscardData(DataCacheEntry *This)
@@ -921,104 +935,22 @@ static ULONG WINAPI DataCache_IDataObjec
  * Get Data from a source dataobject using format pformatetcIn->cfFormat
  * See Windows documentation for more details on GetData.
- * TODO: Currently only CF_METAFILEPICT is implemented
 static HRESULT WINAPI DataCache_GetData(
 	    IDataObject*     iface,
 	    LPFORMATETC      pformatetcIn,
 	    STGMEDIUM*       pmedium)
-  HRESULT hr = 0;
-  IPersistStorage *pPersistStorage = 0;
-  IStorage *pStorage = 0;
-  IStream *pStream = 0;
-  OLECHAR name[]={ 2, 'O', 'l', 'e', 'P', 'r', 'e', 's', '0', '0', '0', 0};
-  HGLOBAL hGlobalMF = 0;
-  void *mfBits = 0;
-  PresentationDataHeader pdh;
-  HMETAFILE hMetaFile = 0;
-  if (pformatetcIn->cfFormat == CF_METAFILEPICT)
-  {
-    /* Get the Persist Storage */
-    hr = IDataObject_QueryInterface(iface, &IID_IPersistStorage, (void**)&pPersistStorage);
-    if (hr != S_OK)
-      goto cleanup;
-    /* Create a doc file to copy the doc to a storage */
-    hr = StgCreateDocfile(NULL, STGM_CREATE | STGM_READWRITE | STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, 0, &pStorage);
-    if (hr != S_OK)
-      goto cleanup;
-    /* Save it to storage */
-    hr = OleSave(pPersistStorage, pStorage, FALSE);
-    if (hr != S_OK)
-      goto cleanup;
-    /* Open the Presentation data srteam */
-    hr = IStorage_OpenStream(pStorage, name, 0, STGM_CREATE|STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE|STGM_READWRITE, 0, &pStream);
-    if (hr != S_OK)
-      goto cleanup;
-    /* Read the presentation header */
-    hr = IStream_Read(pStream, &pdh, sizeof(PresentationDataHeader), NULL);
-    if (hr != S_OK)
-      goto cleanup;
-    mfBits = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pdh.dwSize);
-    /* Read the Metafile bits */
-    hr = IStream_Read(pStream, mfBits, pdh.dwSize, NULL);
-    if (hr != S_OK)
-      goto cleanup;
-    /* Create the metafile and place it in the STGMEDIUM structure */
-    hMetaFile = SetMetaFileBitsEx(pdh.dwSize, mfBits);
-    hGlobalMF = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_SHARE|GMEM_MOVEABLE, sizeof(METAFILEPICT));
-    mfPict = (METAFILEPICT *)GlobalLock(hGlobalMF);
-    mfPict->hMF = hMetaFile;
-    GlobalUnlock(hGlobalMF);
-    pmedium->u.hGlobal = hGlobalMF;
-    pmedium->tymed = TYMED_MFPICT;
-    hrRet = S_OK;
-    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, mfBits);
-    if (pStream)
-      IStream_Release(pStream);
-    if (pStorage)
-      IStorage_Release(pStorage);
-    if (pPersistStorage)
-      IPersistStorage_Release(pPersistStorage);
+    DataCache *This = impl_from_IDataObject(iface);
+    DataCacheEntry *cache_entry;
-    return hrRet;
-  }
+    memset(pmedium, 0, sizeof(*pmedium));
-  /* TODO: Other formats are not implemented */
+    cache_entry = DataCache_GetEntryForFormatEtc(This, pformatetcIn);
+    if (!cache_entry)
+        return OLE_E_BLANK;
-  return E_NOTIMPL;
+    return DataCacheEntry_GetData(cache_entry, pmedium);
 static HRESULT WINAPI DataCache_GetDataHere(

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