Jacek Caban : mshtml: Moved dispex_data_t pointer to the end of dispex_static_data_t struct.

Alexandre Julliard julliard at winehq.org
Wed Jul 6 09:57:30 CDT 2016

Module: wine
Branch: master
Commit: fd2f645d1648f4f4ec7879b8e7c9c9e1f3e90847
URL:    http://source.winehq.org/git/wine.git/?a=commit;h=fd2f645d1648f4f4ec7879b8e7c9c9e1f3e90847

Author: Jacek Caban <jacek at codeweavers.com>
Date:   Tue Jul  5 22:45:50 2016 +0200

mshtml: Moved dispex_data_t pointer to the end of dispex_static_data_t struct.

Signed-off-by: Jacek Caban <jacek at codeweavers.com>
Signed-off-by: Alexandre Julliard <julliard at winehq.org>


 dlls/mshtml/dispex.c         | 1 -
 dlls/mshtml/htmlanchor.c     | 1 -
 dlls/mshtml/htmlarea.c       | 1 -
 dlls/mshtml/htmlattr.c       | 1 -
 dlls/mshtml/htmlbody.c       | 1 -
 dlls/mshtml/htmlcomment.c    | 1 -
 dlls/mshtml/htmlcurstyle.c   | 1 -
 dlls/mshtml/htmldoc.c        | 2 --
 dlls/mshtml/htmlelem.c       | 4 ----
 dlls/mshtml/htmlelemcol.c    | 1 -
 dlls/mshtml/htmlembed.c      | 1 -
 dlls/mshtml/htmlevent.c      | 1 -
 dlls/mshtml/htmlform.c       | 1 -
 dlls/mshtml/htmlframe.c      | 1 -
 dlls/mshtml/htmlgeneric.c    | 1 -
 dlls/mshtml/htmlhead.c       | 3 ---
 dlls/mshtml/htmliframe.c     | 1 -
 dlls/mshtml/htmlimg.c        | 2 --
 dlls/mshtml/htmlinput.c      | 3 ---
 dlls/mshtml/htmllink.c       | 1 -
 dlls/mshtml/htmllocation.c   | 1 -
 dlls/mshtml/htmlmeta.c       | 1 -
 dlls/mshtml/htmlnode.c       | 1 -
 dlls/mshtml/htmlobject.c     | 1 -
 dlls/mshtml/htmloption.c     | 2 --
 dlls/mshtml/htmlscreen.c     | 1 -
 dlls/mshtml/htmlscript.c     | 1 -
 dlls/mshtml/htmlselect.c     | 1 -
 dlls/mshtml/htmlstorage.c    | 1 -
 dlls/mshtml/htmlstyle.c      | 1 -
 dlls/mshtml/htmlstyleelem.c  | 1 -
 dlls/mshtml/htmlstylesheet.c | 3 ---
 dlls/mshtml/htmltable.c      | 1 -
 dlls/mshtml/htmltablecell.c  | 1 -
 dlls/mshtml/htmltablerow.c   | 1 -
 dlls/mshtml/htmltextarea.c   | 1 -
 dlls/mshtml/htmltextnode.c   | 1 -
 dlls/mshtml/htmlwindow.c     | 1 -
 dlls/mshtml/mshtml_private.h | 2 +-
 dlls/mshtml/omnavigator.c    | 5 -----
 dlls/mshtml/selection.c      | 1 -
 dlls/mshtml/txtrange.c       | 1 -
 dlls/mshtml/xmlhttprequest.c | 2 --
 43 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 60 deletions(-)

Diff:   http://source.winehq.org/git/wine.git/?a=commitdiff;h=fd2f645d1648f4f4ec7879b8e7c9c9e1f3e90847

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