Aric Stewart : winebus.sys: Create bus devices.

Alexandre Julliard julliard at
Wed Sep 14 10:28:52 CDT 2016

Module: wine
Branch: master
Commit: 159c2eb16e5238d6ca4537c4d01d9d8798b46951

Author: Aric Stewart <aric at>
Date:   Wed Sep 14 09:28:51 2016 +0200

winebus.sys: Create bus devices.

Signed-off-by: Aric Stewart <aric at>
Signed-off-by: Sebastian Lackner <sebastian at>
Signed-off-by: Alexandre Julliard <julliard at>


 dlls/winebus.sys/ |   2 +-
 dlls/winebus.sys/bus.h       |   3 +
 dlls/winebus.sys/bus_udev.c  |  19 ++++++
 dlls/winebus.sys/main.c      | 150 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 173 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/dlls/winebus.sys/ b/dlls/winebus.sys/
index b24416b..9d3a0c2 100644
--- a/dlls/winebus.sys/
+++ b/dlls/winebus.sys/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 MODULE    = winebus.sys
-IMPORTS   = ntoskrnl
+IMPORTS   = ntoskrnl setupapi
 EXTRADLLFLAGS = -Wb,--subsystem,native
diff --git a/dlls/winebus.sys/bus.h b/dlls/winebus.sys/bus.h
index 3d53a46..dcb50f2 100644
--- a/dlls/winebus.sys/bus.h
+++ b/dlls/winebus.sys/bus.h
@@ -21,3 +21,6 @@ NTSTATUS WINAPI udev_driver_init(DRIVER_OBJECT *driver, UNICODE_STRING *registry
 /* HID Plug and Play Bus */
 NTSTATUS WINAPI common_pnp_dispatch(DEVICE_OBJECT *device, IRP *irp) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
+DEVICE_OBJECT *bus_create_hid_device(DRIVER_OBJECT *driver, const WCHAR *busidW, void *native, WORD vid,
+                                     WORD pid, DWORD version, DWORD uid, const WCHAR *serialW, BOOL is_gamepad,
+                                     const GUID *class) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
diff --git a/dlls/winebus.sys/bus_udev.c b/dlls/winebus.sys/bus_udev.c
index d47a556..1525861 100644
--- a/dlls/winebus.sys/bus_udev.c
+++ b/dlls/winebus.sys/bus_udev.c
@@ -50,6 +50,11 @@ WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(plugplay);
 static struct udev *udev_context = NULL;
 static DRIVER_OBJECT *udev_driver_obj = NULL;
+static const WCHAR hidraw_busidW[] = {'H','I','D','R','A','W',0};
+#include "initguid.h"
+DEFINE_GUID(GUID_DEVCLASS_HIDRAW, 0x3def44ad,0x242e,0x46e5,0x82,0x6d,0x70,0x72,0x13,0xf3,0xaa,0x81);
 static DWORD get_sysattr_dword(struct udev_device *dev, const char *sysattr, int base)
     const char *attr = udev_device_get_sysattr_value(dev, sysattr);
@@ -81,6 +86,8 @@ static void try_add_device(struct udev_device *dev)
     DWORD vid = 0, pid = 0, version = 0;
     struct udev_device *usbdev;
+    DEVICE_OBJECT *device = NULL;
+    const char *subsystem;
     const char *devnode;
     WCHAR *serial = NULL;
     int fd;
@@ -107,6 +114,18 @@ static void try_add_device(struct udev_device *dev)
     TRACE("Found udev device %s (vid %04x, pid %04x, version %u, serial %s)\n",
           debugstr_a(devnode), vid, pid, version, debugstr_w(serial));
+    subsystem = udev_device_get_subsystem(dev);
+    if (strcmp(subsystem, "hidraw") == 0)
+    {
+        device = bus_create_hid_device(udev_driver_obj, hidraw_busidW, dev, vid, pid,
+                                       version, 0, serial, FALSE, &GUID_DEVCLASS_HIDRAW);
+    }
+    if (device)
+        udev_device_ref(dev);
+    else
+        WARN("Ignoring device %s with subsystem %s\n", debugstr_a(devnode), subsystem);
     HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, serial);
diff --git a/dlls/winebus.sys/main.c b/dlls/winebus.sys/main.c
index 43de25a..9c0f5aa 100644
--- a/dlls/winebus.sys/main.c
+++ b/dlls/winebus.sys/main.c
@@ -26,14 +26,164 @@
 #define WIN32_NO_STATUS
 #include "windef.h"
 #include "winbase.h"
+#include "winuser.h"
 #include "winternl.h"
+#include "winreg.h"
+#include "setupapi.h"
 #include "ddk/wdm.h"
 #include "wine/debug.h"
+#include "wine/unicode.h"
+#include "wine/list.h"
 #include "bus.h"
+struct pnp_device
+    struct list entry;
+    DEVICE_OBJECT *device;
+struct device_extension
+    void *native;  /* Must be the first member of the structure */
+    WORD vid, pid;
+    DWORD uid, version, index;
+    BOOL is_gamepad;
+    WCHAR *serial;
+    const WCHAR *busid;  /* Expected to be a static constant */
+static CRITICAL_SECTION device_list_cs;
+static CRITICAL_SECTION_DEBUG critsect_debug =
+    0, 0, &device_list_cs,
+    { &critsect_debug.ProcessLocksList, &critsect_debug.ProcessLocksList },
+      0, 0, { (DWORD_PTR)(__FILE__ ": device_list_cs") }
+static CRITICAL_SECTION device_list_cs = { &critsect_debug, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+static struct list pnp_devset = LIST_INIT(pnp_devset);
+static const WCHAR zero_serialW[]= {'0','0','0','0',0};
+static const WCHAR imW[] = {'I','M',0};
+static const WCHAR igW[] = {'I','G',0};
+static inline WCHAR *strdupW(const WCHAR *src)
+    WCHAR *dst;
+    if (!src) return NULL;
+    dst = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, (strlenW(src) + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR));
+    if (dst) strcpyW(dst, src);
+    return dst;
+static DWORD get_vidpid_index(WORD vid, WORD pid)
+    struct pnp_device *ptr;
+    DWORD index = 1;
+    LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(ptr, &pnp_devset, struct pnp_device, entry)
+    {
+        struct device_extension *ext = (struct device_extension *)ptr->device->DeviceExtension;
+        if (ext->vid == vid && ext->pid == pid)
+            index = max(ext->index + 1, index);
+    }
+    return index;
+static WCHAR *get_instance_id(DEVICE_OBJECT *device)
+    static const WCHAR formatW[] =  {'%','s','\\','V','i','d','_','%','0','4','x','&', 'P','i','d','_','%','0','4','x','&',
+                                     '%','s','_','%','i','\\','%','i','&','%','s','&','%','x',0};
+    struct device_extension *ext = (struct device_extension *)device->DeviceExtension;
+    const WCHAR *serial = ext->serial ? ext->serial : zero_serialW;
+    DWORD len = strlenW(ext->busid) + strlenW(serial) + 64;
+    WCHAR *dst;
+    if ((dst = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, len * sizeof(WCHAR))))
+        sprintfW(dst, formatW, ext->busid, ext->vid, ext->pid, ext->is_gamepad ? igW : imW,
+                 ext->index, ext->version, serial, ext->uid);
+    return dst;
+DEVICE_OBJECT *bus_create_hid_device(DRIVER_OBJECT *driver, const WCHAR *busidW, void *native, WORD vid,
+                                     WORD pid, DWORD version, DWORD uid, const WCHAR *serialW, BOOL is_gamepad,
+                                     const GUID *class)
+    static const WCHAR device_name_fmtW[] = {'\\','D','e','v','i','c','e','\\','%','s','#','%','p',0};
+    struct device_extension *ext;
+    struct pnp_device *pnp_dev;
+    DEVICE_OBJECT *device;
+    WCHAR dev_name[256];
+    HDEVINFO devinfo;
+    NTSTATUS status;
+    TRACE("(%p, %s, %p, %04x, %04x, %u, %u, %s, %u, %s)\n", driver, debugstr_w(busidW), native,
+          vid, pid, version, uid, debugstr_w(serialW), is_gamepad, debugstr_guid(class));
+    if (!(pnp_dev = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(*pnp_dev))))
+        return NULL;
+    sprintfW(dev_name, device_name_fmtW, busidW, native);
+    RtlInitUnicodeString(&nameW, dev_name);
+    status = IoCreateDevice(driver, sizeof(*ext), &nameW, 0, 0, FALSE, &device);
+    if (status)
+    {
+        FIXME("failed to create device error %x\n", status);
+        HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pnp_dev);
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    EnterCriticalSection(&device_list_cs);
+    /* fill out device_extension struct */
+    ext = (struct device_extension *)device->DeviceExtension;
+    ext->native     = native;
+    ext->vid        = vid;
+    ext->pid        = pid;
+    ext->uid        = uid;
+    ext->version    = version;
+    ext->index      = get_vidpid_index(vid, pid);
+    ext->is_gamepad = is_gamepad;
+    ext->serial     = strdupW(serialW);
+    ext->busid      = busidW;
+    /* add to list of pnp devices */
+    pnp_dev->device = device;
+    list_add_tail(&pnp_devset, &pnp_dev->entry);
+    LeaveCriticalSection(&device_list_cs);
+    devinfo = SetupDiGetClassDevsW(class, NULL, NULL, DIGCF_DEVICEINTERFACE);
+    if (devinfo)
+    {
+        SP_DEVINFO_DATA data;
+        WCHAR *instance;
+        data.cbSize = sizeof(data);
+        if (!(instance = get_instance_id(device)))
+            ERR("failed to generate instance id\n");
+        else if (!SetupDiCreateDeviceInfoW(devinfo, instance, class, NULL, NULL, DICD_INHERIT_CLASSDRVS, &data))
+            ERR("failed to create device info: %x\n", GetLastError());
+        else if (!SetupDiRegisterDeviceInfo(devinfo, &data, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL))
+            ERR("failed to register device info: %x\n", GetLastError());
+        HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, instance);
+        SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(devinfo);
+    }
+    else
+        ERR("failed to get ClassDevs: %x\n", GetLastError());
+    IoInvalidateDeviceRelations(device, BusRelations);
+    return device;
 NTSTATUS WINAPI common_pnp_dispatch(DEVICE_OBJECT *device, IRP *irp)
     NTSTATUS status = irp->IoStatus.u.Status;

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