Ken Thomases : winemac: Better handle z-ordering windows that are in Cocoa parent-child window relationships.

Alexandre Julliard julliard at
Mon Apr 24 16:11:24 CDT 2017

Module: wine
Branch: master
Commit: 302593c9c0a5f996bf6e6a98779e1ae2cea66cb2

Author: Ken Thomases <ken at>
Date:   Mon Apr 24 13:07:12 2017 -0500

winemac: Better handle z-ordering windows that are in Cocoa parent-child window relationships.

The code had been handling ordering sibling windows relative to each other,
including windows neither of which were child windows.  However, it wasn't
properly handling other relationships (e.g. cousins, nieces, uncles, etc.).

The reason this is complicated is that Cocoa keeps child windows in a fixed
relative order to their parent and siblings.  The normal -orderWindow:relativeTo:
method doesn't work.  One has to remove the children from the parent and re-add
them in the desired order.

Signed-off-by: Ken Thomases <ken at>
Signed-off-by: Alexandre Julliard <julliard at>


 dlls/winemac.drv/cocoa_window.m | 118 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 98 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dlls/winemac.drv/cocoa_window.m b/dlls/winemac.drv/cocoa_window.m
index ea13b4a..0823aee 100644
--- a/dlls/winemac.drv/cocoa_window.m
+++ b/dlls/winemac.drv/cocoa_window.m
@@ -1457,8 +1457,15 @@ static CVReturn WineDisplayLinkCallback(CVDisplayLinkRef displayLink, const CVTi
         windowNumbers = [[[[self class] windowNumbersWithOptions:NSWindowNumberListAllSpaces] mutableCopy] autorelease];
         childWindowNumber = [NSNumber numberWithInteger:[child windowNumber]];
         [windowNumbers removeObject:childWindowNumber];
-        otherIndex = [windowNumbers indexOfObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[other windowNumber]]];
-        [windowNumbers insertObject:childWindowNumber atIndex:otherIndex + (mode == NSWindowAbove ? 0 : 1)];
+        if (other)
+        {
+            otherIndex = [windowNumbers indexOfObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[other windowNumber]]];
+            [windowNumbers insertObject:childWindowNumber atIndex:otherIndex + (mode == NSWindowAbove ? 0 : 1)];
+        }
+        else if (mode == NSWindowAbove)
+            [windowNumbers insertObject:childWindowNumber atIndex:0];
+        else
+            [windowNumbers addObject:childWindowNumber];
         // Get our child windows and sort them in the reverse of the desired
         // z-order (back-to-front).
@@ -1472,6 +1479,52 @@ static CVReturn WineDisplayLinkCallback(CVDisplayLinkRef displayLink, const CVTi
         [self setChildWineWindows:children];
+    // Search the ancestor windows of self and other to find a place where some ancestors are siblings of each other.
+    // There are three possible results in terms of the values of *ancestor and *ancestorOfOther on return:
+    //      (non-nil, non-nil)  there is a level in the window tree where the two windows have sibling ancestors
+    //                          if *ancestor has a parent Wine window, then it's the parent of the other ancestor, too
+    //                          otherwise, the two ancestors are each roots of disjoint window trees
+    //      (nil, non-nil)      the other window is a descendent of self and *ancestorOfOther is the direct child
+    //      (non-nil, nil)      self is a descendent of other and *ancestor is the direct child
+    - (void) getSiblingWindowsForWindow:(WineWindow*)other ancestor:(WineWindow**)ancestor ancestorOfOther:(WineWindow**)ancestorOfOther
+    {
+        NSMutableArray* otherAncestors = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObject:other];
+        WineWindow* child;
+        WineWindow* parent;
+        for (child = other;
+             (parent = (WineWindow*)child.parentWindow) && [parent isKindOfClass:[WineWindow class]];
+             child = parent)
+        {
+            if (parent == self)
+            {
+                *ancestor = nil;
+                *ancestorOfOther = child;
+                return;
+            }
+            [otherAncestors addObject:parent];
+        }
+        for (child = self;
+             (parent = (WineWindow*)child.parentWindow) && [parent isKindOfClass:[WineWindow class]];
+             child = parent)
+        {
+            NSUInteger index = [otherAncestors indexOfObjectIdenticalTo:parent];
+            if (index != NSNotFound)
+            {
+                *ancestor = child;
+                if (index == 0)
+                    *ancestorOfOther = nil;
+                else
+                    *ancestorOfOther = [otherAncestors objectAtIndex:index - 1];
+                return;
+            }
+        }
+        *ancestor = child;
+        *ancestorOfOther = otherAncestors.lastObject;;
+    }
     /* Returns whether or not the window was ordered in, which depends on if
        its frame intersects any screen. */
     - (void) orderBelow:(WineWindow*)prev orAbove:(WineWindow*)next activate:(BOOL)activate
@@ -1481,6 +1534,8 @@ static CVReturn WineDisplayLinkCallback(CVDisplayLinkRef displayLink, const CVTi
             BOOL needAdjustWindowLevels = FALSE;
             BOOL wasVisible;
+            WineWindow* parent;
+            WineWindow* child;
             [controller transformProcessToForeground];
             if ([NSApp isHidden])
@@ -1502,30 +1557,53 @@ static CVReturn WineDisplayLinkCallback(CVDisplayLinkRef displayLink, const CVTi
                 if (![self isOrdered:orderingMode relativeTo:other])
-                    WineWindow* parent = (WineWindow*)[self parentWindow];
-                    WineWindow* otherParent = (WineWindow*)[other parentWindow];
-                    // This window level may not be right for this window based
-                    // on floating-ness, fullscreen-ness, etc.  But we set it
-                    // temporarily to allow us to order the windows properly.
-                    // Then the levels get fixed by -adjustWindowLevels.
-                    if ([self level] != [other level])
-                        [self setLevel:[other level]];
-                    [self setAutodisplay:YES];
-                    [self orderWindow:orderingMode relativeTo:[other windowNumber]];
-                    [self checkWineDisplayLink];
+                    WineWindow* ancestor;
+                    WineWindow* ancestorOfOther;
+                    [self getSiblingWindowsForWindow:other ancestor:&ancestor ancestorOfOther:&ancestorOfOther];
+                    if (ancestor)
+                    {
+                        [self setAutodisplay:YES];
+                        if (ancestorOfOther)
+                        {
+                            // This window level may not be right for this window based
+                            // on floating-ness, fullscreen-ness, etc.  But we set it
+                            // temporarily to allow us to order the windows properly.
+                            // Then the levels get fixed by -adjustWindowLevels.
+                            if ([ancestor level] != [ancestorOfOther level])
+                                [ancestor setLevel:[ancestorOfOther level]];
+                            parent = (WineWindow*)ancestor.parentWindow;
+                            if ([parent isKindOfClass:[WineWindow class]])
+                                [parent order:orderingMode childWindow:ancestor relativeTo:ancestorOfOther];
+                            else
+                                [ancestor orderWindow:orderingMode relativeTo:[ancestorOfOther windowNumber]];
+                        }
-                    // The above call to -[NSWindow orderWindow:relativeTo:] won't
-                    // reorder windows which are both children of the same parent
-                    // relative to each other, so do that separately.
-                    if (parent && parent == otherParent)
-                        [parent order:orderingMode childWindow:self relativeTo:other];
+                        for (child = self;
+                             (parent = (WineWindow*)child.parentWindow);
+                             child = parent)
+                        {
+                            if ([parent isKindOfClass:[WineWindow class]])
+                                [parent order:-orderingMode childWindow:child relativeTo:nil];
+                            if (parent == ancestor)
+                                break;
+                        }
-                    needAdjustWindowLevels = TRUE;
+                        [self checkWineDisplayLink];
+                        needAdjustWindowLevels = TRUE;
+                    }
+                for (child = self;
+                     (parent = (WineWindow*)child.parentWindow) && [parent isKindOfClass:[WineWindow class]];
+                     child = parent)
+                {
+                    [parent order:NSWindowAbove childWindow:child relativeTo:nil];
+                }
                 // Again, temporarily set level to make sure we can order to
                 // the right place.
                 next = [controller frontWineWindow];

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