Alexandre Julliard : shell32: Move image resources to a resources subdirectory.

Alexandre Julliard julliard at
Mon Aug 20 13:26:12 CDT 2018

Module: wine
Branch: master
Commit: 8204d04b7fd416c1b6296708937e3c06e058809b

Author: Alexandre Julliard <julliard at>
Date:   Mon Aug 20 19:54:48 2018 +0200

shell32: Move image resources to a resources subdirectory.

Signed-off-by: Alexandre Julliard <julliard at>


 dlls/shell32/                      |  42 +++----
 dlls/shell32/{ => resources}/cdrom.ico        | Bin
 dlls/shell32/{ => resources}/cdrom.svg        |   0
 dlls/shell32/{ => resources}/control.ico      | Bin
 dlls/shell32/{ => resources}/control.svg      |   0
 dlls/shell32/{ => resources}/delete.ico       | Bin
 dlls/shell32/{ => resources}/delete.svg       |   0
 dlls/shell32/{ => resources}/desktop.ico      | Bin
 dlls/shell32/{ => resources}/desktop.svg      |   0
 dlls/shell32/{ => resources}/document.ico     | Bin
 dlls/shell32/{ => resources}/document.svg     |   0
 dlls/shell32/{ => resources}/drive.ico        | Bin
 dlls/shell32/{ => resources}/drive.svg        |   0
 dlls/shell32/{ => resources}/floppy.ico       | Bin
 dlls/shell32/{ => resources}/floppy.svg       |   0
 dlls/shell32/{ => resources}/folder.ico       | Bin
 dlls/shell32/{ => resources}/folder.svg       |   0
 dlls/shell32/{ => resources}/folder_open.ico  | Bin
 dlls/shell32/{ => resources}/folder_open.svg  |   0
 dlls/shell32/{ => resources}/idb_tb_large.bmp | Bin
 dlls/shell32/{ => resources}/idb_tb_small.bmp | Bin
 dlls/shell32/{ => resources}/internet.ico     | Bin
 dlls/shell32/{ => resources}/internet.svg     |   0
 dlls/shell32/{ => resources}/mycomputer.ico   | Bin
 dlls/shell32/{ => resources}/mycomputer.svg   |   0
 dlls/shell32/{ => resources}/mydocs.ico       | Bin
 dlls/shell32/{ => resources}/mydocs.svg       |   0
 dlls/shell32/{ => resources}/netdrive.ico     | Bin
 dlls/shell32/{ => resources}/netdrive.svg     |   0
 dlls/shell32/{ => resources}/netdrive2.ico    | Bin
 dlls/shell32/{ => resources}/netdrive2.svg    |   0
 dlls/shell32/{ => resources}/network.ico      | Bin
 dlls/shell32/{ => resources}/network.svg      |   0
 dlls/shell32/{ => resources}/printer.ico      | Bin
 dlls/shell32/{ => resources}/printer.svg      |   0
 dlls/shell32/{ => resources}/ramdisk.ico      | Bin
 dlls/shell32/{ => resources}/ramdisk.svg      |   0
 dlls/shell32/{ => resources}/recent.ico       | Bin
 dlls/shell32/{ => resources}/recent.svg       |   0
 dlls/shell32/{ => resources}/searching.avi    | Bin
 dlls/shell32/{ => resources}/shortcut.ico     | Bin
 dlls/shell32/{ => resources}/shortcut.svg     |   0
 dlls/shell32/{ => resources}/trash_file.ico   | Bin
 dlls/shell32/{ => resources}/trash_file.svg   |   0
 dlls/shell32/{ => resources}/window.ico       | Bin
 dlls/shell32/{ => resources}/window.svg       |   0
 dlls/shell32/shell32.rc                       | 172 +++++++++++++-------------
 47 files changed, 107 insertions(+), 107 deletions(-)


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