Zebediah Figura : msvfw32/tests: Add more tests for ICInfo().

Alexandre Julliard julliard at winehq.org
Thu Mar 7 16:27:58 CST 2019

Module: wine
Branch: master
Commit: 1f6fcc98492b2b338d1d6059087d68ca2404566e
URL:    https://source.winehq.org/git/wine.git/?a=commit;h=1f6fcc98492b2b338d1d6059087d68ca2404566e

Author: Zebediah Figura <z.figura12 at gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Mar  6 21:10:19 2019 -0600

msvfw32/tests: Add more tests for ICInfo().

Signed-off-by: Zebediah Figura <z.figura12 at gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Alexandre Julliard <julliard at winehq.org>


 dlls/msvfw32/tests/msvfw.c | 160 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 156 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dlls/msvfw32/tests/msvfw.c b/dlls/msvfw32/tests/msvfw.c
index 7555015..ee7ed88 100644
--- a/dlls/msvfw32/tests/msvfw.c
+++ b/dlls/msvfw32/tests/msvfw.c
@@ -285,16 +285,59 @@ static void test_ICSeqCompress(void)
     ok(err == ICERR_BADHANDLE, "Expected -8, got %d\n", err);
+static ICINFO enum_info;
+static LRESULT CALLBACK enum_driver_proc(DWORD_PTR id, HDRVR driver, UINT msg,
+        LPARAM lparam1, LPARAM lparam2)
+    ICINFO *info = (ICINFO *)lparam1;
+    ok(!id, "Got unexpected id %#lx.\n", id);
+    ok(msg == ICM_GETINFO, "Got unexpected message %#x.\n", msg);
+    ok(info == &enum_info, "Expected lparam1 %p, got %p.\n", &enum_info, info);
+    ok(lparam2 == sizeof(ICINFO), "Got lparam2 %ld.\n", lparam2);
+    ok(!info->fccType, "Got unexpected type %#x.\n", info->fccType);
+    ok(!info->fccHandler, "Got unexpected handler %#x.\n", info->fccHandler);
+    ok(!info->dwFlags, "Got unexpected flags %#x.\n", info->dwFlags);
+    ok(!info->dwVersion, "Got unexpected version %#x.\n", info->dwVersion);
+    ok(info->dwVersionICM == ICVERSION, "Got unexpected ICM version %#x.\n", info->dwVersionICM);
+    ok(!info->szName[0], "Got unexpected name %s.\n", wine_dbgstr_w(info->szName));
+    ok(!info->szDescription[0], "Got unexpected name %s.\n", wine_dbgstr_w(info->szDescription));
+    ok(!info->szDriver[0], "Got unexpected driver %s.\n", wine_dbgstr_w(info->szDriver));
+    info->dwVersion = 0xdeadbeef;
+    return sizeof(ICINFO);
 static void test_ICInfo(void)
+    static const WCHAR bogusW[] = {'b','o','g','u','s',0};
+    static const DWORD test_type = mmioFOURCC('w','i','n','e');
+    static const DWORD test_handler = mmioFOURCC('t','e','s','t');
+    DWORD i = 0, found = 0;
+    char buffer[MAX_PATH];
     ICINFO info, info2;
-    DWORD i, found;
     unsigned char *fcc;
+    DWORD size;
+    BOOL ret;
+    HKEY key;
+    LONG res;
-    for (i = found = 0; ICInfo(0, i, &info); i++)
+    for (;;)
+        memset(&info, 0x55, sizeof(info));
+        info.dwSize = sizeof(info);
+        if (!ICInfo(0, i++, &info))
+            break;
         trace("Codec name: %s, fccHandler: 0x%08x\n", wine_dbgstr_w(info.szName), info.fccHandler);
-        ok(info.fccType, "expected nonzero fccType\n");
+        ok(info.fccType, "Expected nonzero type.\n");
+        ok(info.fccHandler, "Expected nonzero handler.\n");
+        ok(!info.dwFlags, "Got unexpected flags %#x.\n", info.dwFlags);
+        ok(!info.dwVersion, "Got unexpected version %#x.\n", info.dwVersion);
+        ok(info.dwVersionICM == ICVERSION, "Got unexpected ICM version %#x.\n", info.dwVersionICM);
+        ok(!info.szName[0], "Got unexpected name %s.\n", wine_dbgstr_w(info.szName));
+        ok(!info.szDescription[0], "Got unexpected name %s.\n", wine_dbgstr_w(info.szDescription));
         ok(ICInfo(info.fccType, info.fccHandler, &info2),
            "ICInfo failed on fcc 0x%08x\n", info.fccHandler);
@@ -310,10 +353,119 @@ static void test_ICInfo(void)
     ok(found != 0, "expected at least one codec\n");
-    memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info));
+    memset(&info, 0x55, sizeof(info));
+    info.dwSize = sizeof(info);
     ok(!ICInfo(ICTYPE_VIDEO, mmioFOURCC('f','a','k','e'), &info), "expected failure\n");
     ok(info.fccType == ICTYPE_VIDEO, "got 0x%08x\n", info.fccType);
     ok(info.fccHandler == mmioFOURCC('f','a','k','e'), "got 0x%08x\n", info.fccHandler);
+todo_wine {
+    ok(!info.dwFlags, "Got unexpected flags %#x.\n", info.dwFlags);
+    ok(!info.dwVersion, "Got unexpected version %#x.\n", info.dwVersion);
+    ok(info.dwVersionICM == ICVERSION, "Got unexpected ICM version %#x.\n", info.dwVersionICM);
+    ok(!info.szName[0], "Got unexpected name %s.\n", wine_dbgstr_w(info.szName));
+    ok(!info.szDescription[0], "Got unexpected name %s.\n", wine_dbgstr_w(info.szDescription));
+    ok(!info.szDriver[0], "Got unexpected driver %s.\n", wine_dbgstr_w(info.szDriver));
+    if (!RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT"
+            "\\CurrentVersion\\Drivers32", 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &key))
+    {
+        ret = ICInstall(test_type, test_handler, (LPARAM)"bogus", NULL, ICINSTALL_DRIVER);
+        ok(ret, "Failed to install driver.\n");
+        size = sizeof(buffer);
+        res = RegQueryValueExA(key, "wine.test", NULL, NULL, (BYTE *)buffer, &size);
+todo_wine {
+        ok(!res, "Failed to query value, error %d.\n", res);
+        ok(!strcmp(buffer, "bogus"), "Got unexpected value \"%s\".\n", buffer);
+        memset(&info, 0x55, sizeof(info));
+        info.dwSize = sizeof(info);
+        ok(ICInfo(test_type, test_handler, &info), "Expected success.\n");
+        ok(info.fccType == test_type, "Got unexpected type %#x.\n", info.fccType);
+        ok(info.fccHandler == test_handler, "Got unexpected handler %#x.\n", info.fccHandler);
+todo_wine {
+        ok(!info.dwFlags, "Got unexpected flags %#x.\n", info.dwFlags);
+        ok(!info.dwVersion, "Got unexpected version %#x.\n", info.dwVersion);
+        ok(info.dwVersionICM == ICVERSION, "Got unexpected ICM version %#x.\n", info.dwVersionICM);
+        ok(!info.szName[0], "Got unexpected name %s.\n", wine_dbgstr_w(info.szName));
+        ok(!info.szDescription[0], "Got unexpected name %s.\n", wine_dbgstr_w(info.szDescription));
+        ok(!lstrcmpW(info.szDriver, bogusW), "Got unexpected driver %s.\n", wine_dbgstr_w(info.szDriver));
+        /* Drivers installed after msvfw32 is loaded are not enumerated. */
+        ok(!ICInfo(test_type, 0, &info), "Expected failure.\n");
+        ret = ICRemove(test_type, test_handler, 0);
+        ok(ret, "Failed to remove driver.\n");
+        res = RegDeleteValueA(key, "wine.test");
+        ok(res == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "Got error %u.\n", res);
+        RegCloseKey(key);
+    }
+    else
+        win_skip("Not enough permissions to register codec drivers.\n");
+    if (WritePrivateProfileStringA("drivers32", "wine.test", "bogus", "system.ini"))
+    {
+        memset(&info, 0x55, sizeof(info));
+        info.dwSize = sizeof(info);
+        ok(ICInfo(test_type, test_handler, &info), "Expected success.\n");
+        ok(info.fccType == test_type, "Got unexpected type %#x.\n", info.fccType);
+        ok(info.fccHandler == test_handler, "Got unexpected handler %#x.\n", info.fccHandler);
+        ok(!info.dwFlags, "Got unexpected flags %#x.\n", info.dwFlags);
+        ok(!info.dwVersion, "Got unexpected version %#x.\n", info.dwVersion);
+        ok(info.dwVersionICM == ICVERSION, "Got unexpected ICM version %#x.\n", info.dwVersionICM);
+        ok(!info.szName[0], "Got unexpected name %s.\n", wine_dbgstr_w(info.szName));
+        ok(!info.szDescription[0], "Got unexpected name %s.\n", wine_dbgstr_w(info.szDescription));
+        ok(!lstrcmpW(info.szDriver, bogusW), "Got unexpected driver %s.\n", wine_dbgstr_w(info.szDriver));
+        /* Drivers installed after msvfw32 is loaded are not enumerated. */
+        ok(!ICInfo(test_type, 0, &info), "Expected failure.\n");
+        ret = WritePrivateProfileStringA("drivers32", "wine.test", NULL, "system.ini");
+        ok(ret, "Failed to remove INI entry.\n");
+    }
+    ret = ICInstall(test_type, test_handler, (LPARAM)enum_driver_proc, NULL, ICINSTALL_FUNCTION);
+    ok(ret, "Failed to install driver.\n");
+    memset(&enum_info, 0x55, sizeof(enum_info));
+    enum_info.dwSize = sizeof(enum_info);
+todo_wine {
+    ok(ICInfo(test_type, test_handler, &enum_info), "Expected success.\n");
+    ok(!enum_info.fccType, "Got unexpected type %#x.\n", enum_info.fccType);
+    ok(!enum_info.fccHandler, "Got unexpected handler %#x.\n", enum_info.fccHandler);
+    ok(!enum_info.dwFlags, "Got unexpected flags %#x.\n", enum_info.dwFlags);
+    ok(enum_info.dwVersion == 0xdeadbeef, "Got unexpected version %#x.\n", enum_info.dwVersion);
+    ok(enum_info.dwVersionICM == ICVERSION, "Got unexpected ICM version %#x.\n", enum_info.dwVersionICM);
+    ok(!enum_info.szName[0], "Got unexpected name %s.\n", wine_dbgstr_w(enum_info.szName));
+    ok(!enum_info.szDescription[0], "Got unexpected name %s.\n", wine_dbgstr_w(enum_info.szDescription));
+    ok(!enum_info.szDriver[0], "Got unexpected driver %s.\n", wine_dbgstr_w(enum_info.szDriver));
+    /* Functions installed after msvfw32 is loaded are enumerated. */
+    memset(&enum_info, 0x55, sizeof(enum_info));
+    enum_info.dwSize = sizeof(enum_info);
+todo_wine {
+    ok(ICInfo(test_type, 0, &enum_info), "Expected success.\n");
+    ok(!enum_info.fccType, "Got unexpected type %#x.\n", enum_info.fccType);
+    ok(!enum_info.fccHandler, "Got unexpected handler %#x.\n", enum_info.fccHandler);
+todo_wine {
+    ok(!enum_info.dwFlags, "Got unexpected flags %#x.\n", enum_info.dwFlags);
+    ok(enum_info.dwVersion == 0xdeadbeef, "Got unexpected version %#x.\n", enum_info.dwVersion);
+    ok(enum_info.dwVersionICM == ICVERSION, "Got unexpected ICM version %#x.\n", enum_info.dwVersionICM);
+    ok(!enum_info.szName[0], "Got unexpected name %s.\n", wine_dbgstr_w(enum_info.szName));
+    ok(!enum_info.szDescription[0], "Got unexpected name %s.\n", wine_dbgstr_w(enum_info.szDescription));
+    ok(!enum_info.szDriver[0], "Got unexpected driver %s.\n", wine_dbgstr_w(enum_info.szDriver));
+    ret = ICRemove(test_type, test_handler, 0);
+    ok(ret, "Failed to remove driver.\n");
 static int get_display_format_test;

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