Nikolay Sivov : mfplat: Improve 2D buffer sizes estimation.

Alexandre Julliard julliard at
Wed Mar 18 15:42:01 CDT 2020

Module: wine
Branch: master
Commit: 26a257956a74431a9a4a34004c94fb1cef839283

Author: Nikolay Sivov <nsivov at>
Date:   Wed Mar 18 16:57:34 2020 +0300

mfplat: Improve 2D buffer sizes estimation.

Signed-off-by: Nikolay Sivov <nsivov at>
Signed-off-by: Alexandre Julliard <julliard at>


 dlls/mfplat/buffer.c       | 21 +++++++++-
 dlls/mfplat/mediatype.c    |  2 +
 dlls/mfplat/tests/mfplat.c | 99 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 3 files changed, 102 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dlls/mfplat/buffer.c b/dlls/mfplat/buffer.c
index 05e1ce5fd6..64ec436a1e 100644
--- a/dlls/mfplat/buffer.c
+++ b/dlls/mfplat/buffer.c
@@ -546,6 +546,7 @@ static HRESULT create_2d_buffer(DWORD width, DWORD height, DWORD fourcc, BOOL bo
     unsigned int bpp, max_length, plane_size;
     struct memory_buffer *object;
+    unsigned int row_alignment;
     GUID subtype;
     BOOL is_yuv;
     HRESULT hr;
@@ -572,10 +573,28 @@ static HRESULT create_2d_buffer(DWORD width, DWORD height, DWORD fourcc, BOOL bo
     if (!object)
         return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
-    pitch = ALIGN_SIZE(width * bpp, MF_64_BYTE_ALIGNMENT);
+    switch (fourcc)
+    {
+        case MAKEFOURCC('I','M','C','1'):
+        case MAKEFOURCC('I','M','C','2'):
+        case MAKEFOURCC('I','M','C','3'):
+        case MAKEFOURCC('I','M','C','4'):
+        case MAKEFOURCC('Y','V','1','2'):
+            row_alignment = MF_128_BYTE_ALIGNMENT;
+            break;
+        default:
+            row_alignment = MF_64_BYTE_ALIGNMENT;
+    }
+    pitch = ALIGN_SIZE(width * bpp, row_alignment);
     switch (fourcc)
+        case MAKEFOURCC('I','M','C','1'):
+        case MAKEFOURCC('I','M','C','3'):
+            max_length = pitch * height * 2;
+            plane_size *= 2;
+            break;
         case MAKEFOURCC('N','V','1','2'):
             max_length = pitch * height * 3 / 2;
diff --git a/dlls/mfplat/mediatype.c b/dlls/mfplat/mediatype.c
index 142ee69cf6..8c4716e5e1 100644
--- a/dlls/mfplat/mediatype.c
+++ b/dlls/mfplat/mediatype.c
@@ -1799,6 +1799,8 @@ static const struct uncompressed_video_format video_formats[] =
     { &MFVideoFormat_NV12,          1, 0, 0, 1 },
     { &MFVideoFormat_D16,           2, 3, 0, 0 },
     { &MFVideoFormat_L16,           2, 3, 0, 0 },
+    { &MFVideoFormat_UYVY,          2, 0, 0, 1 },
+    { &MFVideoFormat_YUY2,          2, 0, 0, 1 },
     { &MFVideoFormat_YV12,          1, 0, 0, 1 },
     { &MFVideoFormat_A16B16G16R16F, 8, 3, 1, 0 },
diff --git a/dlls/mfplat/tests/mfplat.c b/dlls/mfplat/tests/mfplat.c
index c5ed883dfa..4cb5499f7c 100644
--- a/dlls/mfplat/tests/mfplat.c
+++ b/dlls/mfplat/tests/mfplat.c
@@ -3475,6 +3475,14 @@ static void test_MFCalculateImageSize(void)
         { &MFVideoFormat_YV12, 2, 1, 3 },
         { &MFVideoFormat_YV12, 1, 2, 6, 3 },
         { &MFVideoFormat_YV12, 4, 3, 18 },
+        { &MFVideoFormat_YUY2, 2, 1, 4 },
+        { &MFVideoFormat_YUY2, 4, 3, 24 },
+        { &MFVideoFormat_YUY2, 128, 128, 32768 },
+        { &MFVideoFormat_UYVY, 2, 1, 4 },
+        { &MFVideoFormat_UYVY, 4, 3, 24 },
+        { &MFVideoFormat_UYVY, 128, 128, 32768 },
     unsigned int i;
     UINT32 size;
@@ -3490,23 +3498,22 @@ static void test_MFCalculateImageSize(void)
     for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(image_size_tests); ++i)
+        const struct image_size_test *ptr = &image_size_tests[i];
         /* Those are supported since Win10. */
-        BOOL is_broken = IsEqualGUID(image_size_tests[i].subtype, &MFVideoFormat_A16B16G16R16F) ||
-                IsEqualGUID(image_size_tests[i].subtype, &MFVideoFormat_A2R10G10B10);
+        BOOL is_broken = IsEqualGUID(ptr->subtype, &MFVideoFormat_A16B16G16R16F) ||
+                IsEqualGUID(ptr->subtype, &MFVideoFormat_A2R10G10B10);
-        hr = MFCalculateImageSize(image_size_tests[i].subtype, image_size_tests[i].width,
-                image_size_tests[i].height, &size);
+        hr = MFCalculateImageSize(ptr->subtype, ptr->width, ptr->height, &size);
         ok(hr == S_OK || (is_broken && hr == E_INVALIDARG), "%u: failed to calculate image size, hr %#x.\n", i, hr);
-        ok(size == image_size_tests[i].size, "%u: unexpected image size %u, expected %u.\n", i, size,
-                image_size_tests[i].size);
+        ok(size == ptr->size, "%u: unexpected image size %u, expected %u. Size %u x %u, format %s.\n", i, size, ptr->size,
+                ptr->width, ptr->height, wine_dbgstr_an((char *)&ptr->subtype->Data1, 4));
         if (pMFGetPlaneSize)
-            unsigned int plane_size = image_size_tests[i].plane_size ? image_size_tests[i].plane_size :
-                    image_size_tests[i].size;
+            unsigned int plane_size = ptr->plane_size ? ptr->plane_size : ptr->size;
-            hr = pMFGetPlaneSize(image_size_tests[i].subtype->Data1, image_size_tests[i].width, image_size_tests[i].height,
-                    &size);
+            hr = pMFGetPlaneSize(ptr->subtype->Data1, ptr->width, ptr->height, &size);
             ok(hr == S_OK, "%u: failed to get plane size, hr %#x.\n", i, hr);
             ok(size == plane_size, "%u: unexpected plane size %u, expected %u.\n", i, size, plane_size);
@@ -4635,16 +4642,51 @@ static void test_MFCreate2DMediaBuffer(void)
         unsigned int height;
         unsigned int fourcc;
         unsigned int contiguous_length;
+        int pitch;
+        unsigned int plane_multiplier;
     } _2d_buffer_tests[] =
-        { 2, 2, MAKEFOURCC('N','V','1','2'), 6 },
-        { 4, 2, MAKEFOURCC('N','V','1','2'), 12 },
-        { 2, 4, MAKEFOURCC('N','V','1','2'), 12 },
-        { 1, 3, MAKEFOURCC('N','V','1','2'), 4 },
-        { 2, 4, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, 32 },
-        { 1, 4, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, 16 },
-        { 4, 1, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, 16 },
+        { 2, 2, MAKEFOURCC('N','V','1','2'), 6, 64 },
+        { 4, 2, MAKEFOURCC('N','V','1','2'), 12, 64 },
+        { 2, 4, MAKEFOURCC('N','V','1','2'), 12, 64 },
+        { 1, 3, MAKEFOURCC('N','V','1','2'), 4, 64 },
+        { 2, 2, MAKEFOURCC('I','M','C','2'), 6, 128 },
+        { 4, 2, MAKEFOURCC('I','M','C','2'), 12, 128 },
+        { 2, 4, MAKEFOURCC('I','M','C','2'), 12, 128 },
+        { 2, 2, MAKEFOURCC('I','M','C','4'), 6, 128 },
+        { 4, 2, MAKEFOURCC('I','M','C','4'), 12, 128 },
+        { 2, 4, MAKEFOURCC('I','M','C','4'), 12, 128 },
+        { 4,  2, MAKEFOURCC('I','M','C','1'),  32, 128, 2 },
+        { 4,  4, MAKEFOURCC('I','M','C','1'),  64, 128, 2 },
+        { 4, 16, MAKEFOURCC('I','M','C','1'), 256, 128, 2 },
+        { 4, 20, MAKEFOURCC('I','M','C','1'), 320, 128, 2 },
+        { 4,  2, MAKEFOURCC('I','M','C','3'),  32, 128, 2 },
+        { 4,  4, MAKEFOURCC('I','M','C','3'),  64, 128, 2 },
+        { 4, 16, MAKEFOURCC('I','M','C','3'), 256, 128, 2 },
+        { 4, 20, MAKEFOURCC('I','M','C','3'), 320, 128, 2 },
+        { 4,  2, MAKEFOURCC('Y','V','1','2'),  12, 128 },
+        { 4,  4, MAKEFOURCC('Y','V','1','2'),  24, 128 },
+        { 4, 16, MAKEFOURCC('Y','V','1','2'),  96, 128 },
+        { 4,  2, MAKEFOURCC('A','Y','U','V'),  32, 64 },
+        { 4,  4, MAKEFOURCC('A','Y','U','V'),  64, 64 },
+        { 4, 16, MAKEFOURCC('A','Y','U','V'), 256, 64 },
+        { 4,  2, MAKEFOURCC('Y','U','Y','2'),  16, 64 },
+        { 4,  4, MAKEFOURCC('Y','U','Y','2'),  32, 64 },
+        { 4, 16, MAKEFOURCC('Y','U','Y','2'), 128, 64 },
+        { 4,  2, MAKEFOURCC('U','Y','V','Y'),  16, 64 },
+        { 4,  4, MAKEFOURCC('U','Y','V','Y'),  32, 64 },
+        { 4, 16, MAKEFOURCC('U','Y','V','Y'), 128, 64 },
+        { 2, 4, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, 32, 64 },
+        { 1, 4, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, 16, 64 },
+        { 4, 1, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, 16, 64 },
     unsigned int max_length, length, length2;
     BYTE *buffer_start, *data, *data2;
@@ -4838,9 +4880,28 @@ static void test_MFCreate2DMediaBuffer(void)
         ok(length == ptr->contiguous_length, "%d: unexpected contiguous length %u for %u x %u, format %s.\n",
                 i, length, ptr->width, ptr->height, wine_dbgstr_an((char *)&ptr->fourcc, 4));
+        hr = IMFMediaBuffer_Lock(buffer, &data, &length2, NULL);
+        ok(hr == S_OK, "Failed to lock buffer, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+        ok(length == ptr->contiguous_length, "%d: unexpected linear buffer length %u for %u x %u, format %s.\n",
+                i, length2, ptr->width, ptr->height, wine_dbgstr_an((char *)&ptr->fourcc, 4));
+        hr = IMFMediaBuffer_Unlock(buffer);
+        ok(hr == S_OK, "Failed to unlock buffer, hr %#x.\n", hr);
         hr = pMFGetPlaneSize(ptr->fourcc, ptr->width, ptr->height, &length2);
         ok(hr == S_OK, "Failed to get plane size, hr %#x.\n", hr);
-        ok(length2 == length, "%d: contiguous length %u does not match plane size %u.\n", i, length, length2);
+        if (ptr->plane_multiplier)
+            length2 *= ptr->plane_multiplier;
+        ok(length2 == length, "%d: contiguous length %u does not match plane size %u, %u x %u, format %s.\n", i, length,
+                length2, ptr->width, ptr->height, wine_dbgstr_an((char *)&ptr->fourcc, 4));
+        hr = IMF2DBuffer_Lock2D(_2dbuffer, &data, &pitch);
+        ok(hr == S_OK, "Failed to lock buffer, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+        hr = IMF2DBuffer_Unlock2D(_2dbuffer);
+        ok(hr == S_OK, "Failed to unlock buffer, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+        ok(pitch == ptr->pitch, "%d: unexpected pitch %d, expected %d, %u x %u, format %s.\n", i, pitch, ptr->pitch,
+                ptr->width, ptr->height, wine_dbgstr_an((char *)&ptr->fourcc, 4));
         ret = TRUE;
         hr = IMF2DBuffer_IsContiguousFormat(_2dbuffer, &ret);

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