Francois Gouget : winetest/build-patterns: Use color gradients for the failures.

Alexandre Julliard julliard at
Wed Apr 28 16:06:59 CDT 2021

Module: tools
Branch: master
Commit: fb6a47743a4fed412f88318b7a1e24d7d9e11944

Author: Francois Gouget <fgouget at>
Date:   Wed Apr 28 11:25:30 2021 +0200

winetest/build-patterns: Use color gradients for the failures.

This makes it possible to identify when the failure count changes, such
as when a patch adds two new failures to a test that already had five,
or when the failure count depending on the test configuration.

Signed-off-by: Francois Gouget <fgouget at>
Signed-off-by: Alexandre Julliard <julliard at>


 winetest/build-patterns | 116 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 winetest/report.css     |   4 +-
 2 files changed, 93 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)

diff --git a/winetest/build-patterns b/winetest/build-patterns
index f470c26..9dc2581 100755
--- a/winetest/build-patterns
+++ b/winetest/build-patterns
@@ -247,6 +247,9 @@ my %reports;
 # - name
 #   The uniquely identifying test name in the form 'module:unit'.
+# - colors
+#   A hashtable of colors indexed by failure count.
 # - testreports
 #   A hashtable mapping report directory names to objects storing the results
 #   for that test and report combination. Each testreport object has the
@@ -421,44 +424,101 @@ foreach my $testname (keys %tests)
+# Compute color gradients
+sub color2html($)
+    my ($c) = @_;
+    return sprintf "#%02x%02x%02x", $c->[0], $c->[1], $c->[2];
+sub blend($$$)
+    my ($p, $start, $end) = @_;
+    my $r = [int($start->[0] * (1 - $p) + $end->[0] * $p + 0.5),
+             int($start->[1] * (1 - $p) + $end->[1] * $p + 0.5),
+             int($start->[2] * (1 - $p) + $end->[2] * $p + 0.5)];
+    return $r;
+my @keycolors = ([0, 255, 255], # cyan
+                 [0, 255, 0],   # green
+                 [255, 255, 0], # yellow
+                 [255, 0, 0],   # red
+# Use colors to differentiate the set values. Each unique value is assigned
+# a color (in HTML format) picked along a series of gradients passing by the
+# colors defined in @keycolors.
+sub compute_set_colors($)
+    my ($set) = @_;
+    my @values = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$set;
+    my $count = @values;
+    if ($count == 1)
+    {
+        $set->{$values[0]} = color2html($keycolors[0]);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        my $k = 0;
+        my ($start, $end) = (-1, 0);
+        for (0..$count-1)
+        {
+            while (!$end or $_ > $end)
+            {
+                $k++;
+                $start = $end;
+                $end = ($count-1) * $k / (@keycolors-1);
+            }
+            $set->{$values[$_]} = color2html(blend(($_-$start)/($end-$start),
+                                                   $keycolors[$k-1],
+                                                   $keycolors[$k]));
+        }
+    }
 # Write the failure patterns page for the given set of reports
 my %status2html = (
     # Dll information status values
-    # <status>          => [ <symbol>, <class-char>, <title>, <link> ]
-    "missing"           => ["n", "n", "not run for an unknown reason", "report"],
-    "missingdll"        => ["m", "m", "missing dll", "version"],
-    "missingentrypoint" => ["e", "e", "missing entry point", "version"],
-    "missingordinal"    => ["o", "o", "missing ordinal", "version"],
-    "missingsxs"        => ["v", "v", "missing side-by-side dll version", "version"],
-    "stub"              => ["u", "u", "stub Windows dll", "version"],
-    "native"            => ["N", "N", "native Windows dll", "version"],
-    "loaderror258"      => ["I", "I", "timed out while getting the test list", "version"],
+    # <status>          => [ <symbol>, <class-char>, <title>, <link>, <attrs> ]
+    "missing"           => ["n", "n", "not run for an unknown reason", "report", ""],
+    "missingdll"        => ["m", "m", "missing dll", "version", ""],
+    "missingentrypoint" => ["e", "e", "missing entry point", "version", ""],
+    "missingordinal"    => ["o", "o", "missing ordinal", "version", ""],
+    "missingsxs"        => ["v", "v", "missing side-by-side dll version", "version", ""],
+    "stub"              => ["u", "u", "stub Windows dll", "version", ""],
+    "native"            => ["N", "N", "native Windows dll", "version", ""],
+    "loaderror258"      => ["I", "I", "timed out while getting the test list", "version", ""],
     # Other status values
-    "skipped"           => ["-", "s", "skipped by user request", ""],
-    "crash"             => ["C", "C", "crash", "t"],
-    "258"               => ["T", "T", "timeout", "t"],
+    "skipped"           => ["-", "s", "skipped by user request", "", ""],
+    "crash"             => ["C", "C", "crash", "t", ""],
+    "258"               => ["T", "T", "timeout", "t", ""],
-# Returns a tuple containing the symbol, CSS class, title and link type
-# for the specified status.
-sub get_status_html($)
+# Returns a tuple containing the symbol, CSS class, title, link type and
+# HTML attributes for the specified status.
+sub get_status_html($$)
-    my ($status) = @_;
+    my ($status, $failcolors) = @_;
     return @{$status2html{$status}} if ($status2html{$status});
     if ($status =~ /^[0-9]+$/)
-        return ("F", "F", "$status failures", "t");
+        return ("F", "F", "$status failures", "t", " style='background-color: $failcolors->{$status}'");
     if ($status =~ /^loaderror(.*)$/)
-        return ("L", "L", "got error $1 while getting the test list", "version");
+        return ("L", "L", "got error $1 while getting the test list", "version", "");
-    return ("?", "", "unknown status $status", "report");
+    return ("?", "", "unknown status $status", "report", "");
 sub write_patterns_list($$)
@@ -481,6 +541,8 @@ sub write_patterns_list($$)
         print $html "</div></div>\n";
+        compute_set_colors($test->{colors});
         print $html "<div class='test'>\n";
         foreach my $reportdir (@sortedreports)
@@ -519,7 +581,7 @@ sub write_patterns_list($$)
-                    ($symbol, $class, $title, my $link) = get_status_html($status);
+                    ($symbol, $class, $title, my $link, $attrs) = get_status_html($status, $test->{colors});
                     if ($link eq "t")
                         $tag = "a";
@@ -606,17 +668,23 @@ EOF
     # Build a list of test units that will appear on this page so we can
     # link them to each other.
     my $testnames = [];
-  unit: foreach my $testname (sort keys %tests)
+    foreach my $testname (sort keys %tests)
         my $test = $tests{$testname};
+        my $addtest;
         foreach my $testreport (values %{$test->{testreports}})
-            if ($testreport->{failed})
+            next if (!$testreport->{failed});
+            $addtest = 1;
+            foreach my $status (values %{$testreport->{status}})
-                push @$testnames, $testname;
-                next unit;
+                next if ($status !~ /^[0-9]+$/);
+                next if ($status eq "258"); # timeouts have their own color
+                $test->{colors}->{$status} = undef;
+        push @$testnames, $testname if ($addtest);
     print $html "<h2>$title</h2>\n";
diff --git a/winetest/report.css b/winetest/report.css
index cca1ba9..2cc4663 100644
--- a/winetest/report.css
+++ b/winetest/report.css
@@ -89,9 +89,7 @@ div.pattern :hover   { color: black; text-decoration: underline; }
 .patC { /* crash */
     background-color: #ff5555;
-.patF { /* failure(s) */
-    background-color: #ff0000;
+/* .patF failure(s) */
 /* .patn not run for an unknown reason */
 /* .patm missing dll */
 .pate { /* missing entrypoint */

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