fix for Lawson's CLOCAL problem

Mike McCormack mike_mccormack at
Mon Aug 20 23:26:18 CDT 2001

Hi Alexandre,

>Of course, I have no problem with that. The create_file request takes
>attributes, so create_serial can do the same (it would be better if
>create_serial were done inside create_file, but that's another


>> Another question: do you think it would be possible to implement a
>> "write memory" message from the wineserver to the client? 
>But that would require multiple copies of the data (and many context
>switches for large reads); that wouldn't be very efficient. I think
>the current approach is much better. What is the problem with doing

IMO it would be messy to implement CancelIo with the current
architecture. If it were all in the server (including actual read and
write calls) it might be simpler... but probably not efficient, like
you say. i think most of the data transferred from a serial port is
pretty small though... but if the scheme was expanded to handle
overlapped socket operations that wouldn't be true.

Additionally, i though it might be useful to have a way to write small
chunks of data to the client's memory. For example, when implementing
WaitForNamedPipe and ConnectNamedPipe, i need to write a result code
into an overlapped structure... it's only 4 bytes, but i need to
create a new type of APC to deal with it. If i had a method to write
directly into client memory, it would be simpler.


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