Adding protections in map_image

Alexandre Julliard julliard at
Fri Dec 14 15:35:54 CST 2001

Robert Baruch <autophile at> writes:

> MapViewOfFileEx is called by MapViewOfFile, DPLAYX_ConstructData,
> HEAP_CreateSystemHeap, and VXD_Win32s. At this point my eyes began to
> glaze over. But I forged on with looking MapViewOfFile. GAAAH! That
> function is referenced in no less than sixteen places!

But none of these are used to map executable images. The only place we
do that is from PE_LoadImage, so this is the only call that needs to
set the protections.

Now there is a possibility that the app itself would create a mapping
with SEC_IMAGE; but we don't implement this correctly anyway, so it
don't think it matters if we don't set the protections in that case.

> Yes, that should be done, too. I haven't dug that far into NT yet, so
> that mod may have to come in a future patch.

The problem is once you switch on the protections it will break apps;
so you have to do the exception handler stuff at the same time.

Alexandre Julliard
julliard at

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