Small DDraw problem

Ove Kaaven ovehk at
Mon Feb 12 04:56:59 CST 2001

On Mon, 12 Feb 2001, Lionel Ulmer wrote:

> I wonder if this test is really needed ? My interpretation of the
> 'DDERR_EXCLUSIVEMODEALREADYSET' error was that ANOTHER application already
> used this flag, not that it was already set for the current application.

I've been wondering about it myself, not sure why Andrew added it.

> PS: I found out that Grim Fandango eats up my X auto repeat (I need to do a
>     'xset r on' after)... I thought that this was removed in recent Wine
>     versions ?

Yes, it was removed from the init code, but I forgot to remove it from the
cleanup code, which currently restores keyboard autorepeat from a value
that is no longer set in the init... I fixed a while ago in the
transgaming tree but have not submitted it to winehq yet, because we'd
have to do a merge first, but I've so far held off on doing that because
our cvs server was supposed to be moved... (and I still don't have access
to the new server for some reason)

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