Speeding up wineserver syncronization objects with shared memory

Gavriel State gav at transgaming.com
Thu Feb 15 16:33:46 CST 2001

Alexandre Julliard wrote:
> Gavriel State <gav at transgaming.com> writes:
> > After some more thinking, Ove and I have come up with a mechanism that should eliminate
> > most of the wineserver overhead for mutexes and semaphores, without the need to resort
> > to a kernel module.  We're probably going to give this a try over the next few days, so
> > any feedback will be very much appreciated.
> I don't see how you are going to make this work reliably. A basic
> design principle of the server is that no matter what a client process
> does, it cannot break either the server or other clients; given the
> number of bugs Windows apps contain, I feel this is very important.

Definitely a drawback, I agree.  But the shared memory area could be relatively
high in the address space, so that a stray pointer is much more likely to run 
into unmapped memory and segfault before overwriting crucial data. 

The only way we're going to be able to get both speed and safety though is
to have some kernel support.  While that's beyond the scope of what I'd like
to accomplish in the short term, I think that it's something worth thinking
about more.  While the solution proposed by David Howells may be overkill, I'm 
not sure that simply changing the communication mechanism as you suggested
(http://www.winehq.com/News/2000-37.html#0) will speed things up enough - 
we'll still have the context switch overhead.

> As soon as you introduce a shared memory area, you need the
> collaboration of all clients to ensure the stability of the whole
> system, since any client can corrupt system data structures. This is
> very bad. Also since the server is single-threaded its data structures
> don't need to be protected; but as soon as you manipulate them from
> multiple threads you need locking mechanisms, which will probably cost
> a lot in performance too.

At least in the case of mutexes, I believe that all we need to do is
make sure that the count field is always modified through interlocked
increment/decrement/etc including the wineserver.

Here's some slightly modified pseudocode:


 Do everything that the server do_release used to do, except wake_up
 Check if there were other threads waiting, and call the server to wake them.

 last = InterlockedCompareExchange(&count,bignum,0)
 if count == bignum
   we have the lock
   count = last+1
   do everything the server mutex_satisfied does
   return WAIT_OBJECT_0
   if we're the mutex owner
     return WAIT_OBJECT_0
     call wineserver's WaitForSingleObject


 last = InterlockedCompareExchange(&count,bignum,0)
 if count == bignum || we're the mutex owner
   we have the lock
   count = last+1

  Same as before, but don't change the count

  Same as before, but if we're checking multiple objects and one fails,
  we need to reset the count for any mutex objects that we signalled 
Definitely more complicated than before, but if we're careful, the
count value can itself serve as the locking mechanism.  The only case
I can see where there's a potential issue is where a process releases the
mutex lock, calls the server to wake up any waiting threads, and before
the server signals the waiting threads, a third thread grabs the mutex.
While this isn't ideal, it gets resolved when the third thread releases
and tells the server to wake up other processes.

This solution is probably only worthwhile as a short-term hack that
we'll try in our tree.  While I think it ought to work for the specific 
things that we're trying to accomplish immediately, it's probably too
dangerous to put into the WineHQ tree.  

If there's interest in moving forward on better solutions to the server
overhead problem, we're certainly willing to help with those.


Gavriel State, CEO
TransGaming Technologies Inc.
gav at transgaming.com

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