Win16 problems

Gerard Patel gerard.patel at
Tue Jul 3 04:38:21 CDT 2001

At 02:58 AM 03/07/2001 +0200, you wrote:
>Is it just me, or does no Win16 GUI apps work in the current Wine CVS? If
>Wine is compiled with --enable-opengl, then we get BadMatch errors in
>X_CreateWindow (some kind of visual mismatch), If I disable the OpenGL
>visual, then the windows are created and seem to exist, but they're never
>Win32 apps work fine, of course.

For me Win16 apps have not more problems than Win32 ones.
Word viewer 16 bits has one regression with current Cvs vs say one month
ago, a focus problem that is occuring only in managed mode. Other than
that, it is starting and loading files, either on my old computer with Xfree
3.3 and on my newer one with Xfree 4 (compiled with --enable-opengl)
I still run most of my test apps on the old computer, but none of them 
crashes and the new redrawing problems are less than what you say.

IMO Wine behaviour depends more now on the specific X server
and window manager. I use Kde on both computers, btw
(1.1.1 and 2.1 respectively)


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