Mouse trouble

Ove Kaaven ovehk at
Mon Jul 16 19:15:43 CDT 2001

On 16 Jul 2001, Alexandre Julliard wrote:

> Ove Kaaven <ovehk at> writes:
> > Known bug in the current CVS. Turn dxgrab off. If it's on, mouse events
> > are lost. I'm working on it, but have not yet thought of a way to fix it;
> > I need to run a procedure (GrabPointer) in the context of the thread that
> > owns the window that gets the grab. My latest idea was to queue an APC to
> > the owner of the window, but QueueUserAPC requires a thread handle, while
> > GetWindowThreadProcessId only returns a thread ID.
> I'd strongly suggest using some kind of SendMessage instead of
> QueueUserAPC.

I did consider that, but who's going to intercept and handle that message?
It's not an operation that is or should be known outside of the x11drv, so
sending the window a custom message will either conflict with some other
message, or get the message ignored (I doubt DefWindowProc passes custom
messages back to x11drv or anything). Or did you have any particular ideas
in this area?

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