more misc fixes

Brandon Kilgore bkilgore at
Fri Jul 20 09:49:59 CDT 2001

At 05:46 PM 7/19/01 -0700, Alexandre Julliard wrote:
>Patrik Stridvall <ps at> writes:
> > OK. So what you really what is exactly the opposite of what I tried to do?
>Yep ;-)
> > You want all 16-bit exported function prototypes moved from the .h
> > files to the implementing .c file in all cases that is is possible (ie Wine
> > compiles without errors or warnings)?
>Exactly; but note that in most cases the prototype is not even needed
>at all. I don't want all 16-bit C files to start with a bunch of
>prototypes either, this would just be unnecessary duplication; only
>the functions that are actually called from elsewhere in the file
>should be prototyped IMO.

I don't understand....why would there be a function there that isn't called 
from anywhere?  Shouldn't every function have a prototype either at the 
beginning of its C file, or in a header file?  Otherwise, doesn't that mean 
it is not being used and can just be deleted?  You only don't need a 
prototype if you're not calling it until after the actual function in the c 
file, right?  i.e.

void foo1()

void foo2()

I must be missing something....

- Brandon

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