Win16 calls by Win32 functions

Patrik Stridvall ps at
Mon Jun 25 08:36:13 CDT 2001

Noticing that you (Dimitry) have send in a few patch
replacing Win16 calls by Win32 ones, I wish to
point out that winapi_check can detect "illegal"
calls from Win32 to Win16.

Just do 
winapi_check --cross-call-win32-win16

Unfortunately there is a bug in the CVS version
of winapi_check (fixed in my tree) that makes this
option output too many messages. However until
it is updated just do "grep 'illegal call'" on
the output.

The result this is included below.
Note that some of the fixes in your (Dimitry's)
patches is not included in the result below
because they are Win16 functions calling Win16

I do not say this is nessary wrong, but are
you (Dimitry) really sure this is how it should be?

Sure it probably runs a little faster, but then Win16
applications on a modern computer are likely to be 
_very_ fast, so it is really worth risking potential
compabillity errors because of some probably irrelavant
speed differences.

Not that functions like DeleteObject are likely to
have such problems but still...

controls/menu.c: user32: GetSystemMenu: illegal call to GetSubMenu16 (Win32
-> Win16)
dlls/kernel/comm.c: kernel32: BuildCommDCBAndTimeoutsA: illegal call to
BuildCommDCB16 (Win32 -> Win16)
dlls/msvideo/msvideo_main.c: msvfw32: ICClose: illegal call to
ICSendMessage16 (Win32 -> Win16)
dlls/ole32/compobj.c: ole32: CLSIDFromProgID: illegal call to
CLSIDFromProgID16 (Win32 -> Win16)
dlls/ole32/compobj.c: ole32 & ole32: CLSIDFromString: illegal call to
CLSIDFromString16 (Win32 -> Win16)
dlls/ole32/storage.c: ole32: StgIsStorageFile: illegal call to
StgIsStorageFile16 (Win32 -> Win16)
dlls/shell32/shell.c: shell32: ExtractAssociatedIconA: illegal call to
ExtractAssociatedIcon16 (Win32 -> Win16)
dlls/winmm/mci.c: mmsystem & winmm: mciExecute: illegal call to
mciSendString16 (Win32 -> Win16)
dlls/winmm/mci.c: winmm: mciFreeCommandResource: illegal call to
mciFreeCommandResource16 (Win32 -> Win16)
dlls/winmm/mmsystem.c: winmm: mciGetErrorStringA: illegal call to
mciGetErrorString16 (Win32 -> Win16)
dlls/winmm/mmsystem.c: winmm: mmsystemGetVersion: illegal call to
mmsystemGetVersion16 (Win32 -> Win16)
files/profile.c: kernel32: GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesW: illegal call to
GetPrivateProfileSectionNames16 (Win32 -> Win16)
graphics/escape.c: gdi32: ExtEscape: illegal call to Escape16 (Win32 ->
loader/module.c: kernel32: WIN32_GetProcAddress16: illegal call to
GetProcAddress16 (Win32 -> Win16)
loader/ne/module.c: kernel & kernel32: FreeLibrary16: illegal call to
FreeModule16 (Win32 -> Win16)
memory/global.c: kernel & kernel32: GlobalFix16: illegal call to
GlobalHandleToSel16 (Win32 -> Win16)
memory/global.c: kernel & kernel32: GlobalReAlloc16: illegal call to
GlobalHandleToSel16 (Win32 -> Win16)
memory/global.c: kernel & kernel32: GlobalWire16: illegal call to
WIN16_GlobalLock16 (Win32 -> Win16)
memory/global.c: kernel32: K32WOWGlobalLock16: illegal call to
WIN16_GlobalLock16 (Win32 -> Win16)
objects/clipping.c: gdi32: RectVisible: illegal call to RectVisible16 (Win32
-> Win16)
objects/dc.c: gdi32: RestoreDC: illegal call to SetDCState16 (Win32 ->
objects/metafile.c: gdi32: PlayMetaFileRecord: illegal call to
PlayMetaFileRecord16 (Win32 -> Win16)
objects/palette.c: gdi32: UpdateColors: illegal call to UpdateColors16
(Win32 -> Win16)
windows/clipboard.c: user32: RegisterClipboardFormatA: illegal call to
RegisterClipboardFormat16 (Win32 -> Win16)
windows/cursoricon.c: user32: CreateCursor: illegal call to
CreateCursorIconIndirect16 (Win32 -> Win16)
windows/cursoricon.c: user32: CreateIcon: illegal call to
CreateCursorIconIndirect16 (Win32 -> Win16)
windows/cursoricon.c: user32: DestroyCursor: illegal call to
CURSORICON_Destroy (Win32 -> Win16)
windows/cursoricon.c: user32: DestroyIcon: illegal call to
CURSORICON_Destroy (Win32 -> Win16)
windows/cursoricon.c: user32: LookupIconIdFromDirectoryEx: illegal call to
LookupIconIdFromDirectoryEx16 (Win32 -> Win16)
windows/mdi.c: user32: DefFrameProcA: illegal call to DefFrameProc16 (Win32
-> Win16)
windows/mdi.c: user32: DefFrameProcW: illegal call to DefFrameProc16 (Win32
-> Win16)
windows/mdi.c: user32: DefMDIChildProcA: illegal call to DefMDIChildProc16
(Win32 -> Win16)
windows/mdi.c: user32: ScrollChildren: illegal call to CalcChildScroll16
(Win32 -> Win16)
windows/painting.c: user32: UserRealizePalette: illegal call to
RealizePalette16 (Win32 -> Win16)

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