The big winsock patch

Gerard Patel gerard.patel at
Mon Oct 22 06:39:44 CDT 2001

At 12:57 AM 22/10/2001 -0700, you wrote:

>   Whoops. The patch was malformed but in such a way that it still
>applied cleanly (thus fooling me). But a subtential part of winsock.h
>was not getting patched. The best is to revert the previous patch and
>apply this one.
>   I am recompiling in a separate tree right now. At least sock.c should
>compile fine...

Yes, it compiles. However :

err:module:BUILTIN32_dlopen failed to load .so lib for builtin ws2_32.dll:
/home/gerard/win/wine/dlls/ undefined symbol: WSOCK32_gethostbyaddr
err:module:PE_fixup_imports Module (file) ws2_32.dll (which is needed by
wsock32.dll) not found
err:module:load_library can't load wsock32.dll
err:module:BUILTIN32_LoadLibraryExA loaded .so but dll wsock32.dll still not


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