problems with dde, I think...

Eric Pouech eric.pouech at
Tue Oct 30 02:56:56 CST 2001

> I can get the "library" window to show up when running wine, and the initial
> "quick tip" window, but when I click the close button of the tip window wine
> encounters an exception.  I believe the exception is in user32.dll, in the
> ddeuninitialize16 function. This is going from my memory of the one time I was
> able to attach to the wine process to catch the exception.
well you have to be sure of that... you can always trace with -debugmsg +dde,+relay and see what gives (and post the 100 lines before the exception is thrown)

> I attempted copying the kernel32, user32 dll's from a win98 machine into my wine
> dir, but this did not help.  
never do that. native kernel, user and gdi DLL won't work under wine.

Eric Pouech 
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