CVS won't compile with wine/dlls/winsock socket.c ws2_32.spec patch applied

Tony Lambregts tony_lambregts at
Mon Apr 8 12:50:52 CDT 2002

wine compiles fine with my system until this patch is applied

after it is applied it stops with the following errors

> socket.c: In function `WSASendTo':
> socket.c:1990: sizeof applied to an incomplete type
> socket.c:2000: arithmetic on pointer to an incomplete type
> socket.c:2000: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
> socket.c:2001: arithmetic on pointer to an incomplete type
> socket.c:2001: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
> socket.c: In function `WSARecvFrom':
> socket.c:3286: sizeof applied to an incomplete type
> socket.c:3295: arithmetic on pointer to an incomplete type
> socket.c:3295: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
> socket.c:3296: arithmetic on pointer to an incomplete type
> socket.c:3296: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
> make: *** [socket.o] Error 1

I changed directory to dlls/winsock and  did
make clean
make depend

I have attached a log of the session if that will help

it seems it doesn't like this code and I (moron user ) can't see 
anything wrong with it .

>     int i, n, fd, err = WSAENOTSOCK;
>     struct iovec* iovec;
>     struct msghdr msghdr;
>     TRACE ("socket %04x, wsabuf %p, nbufs %ld, flags %ld, to %p, tolen 
> %d, ovl %p, func %p\n",
>            s, lpBuffers, dwBufferCount, dwFlags,
>            to, tolen, lpOverlapped, lpCompletionRoutine);
>     fd = _get_sock_fd(s);
>     if ( fd == -1 )
>         goto error;
>     iovec = WS_ALLOC ( dwBufferCount * sizeof (struct iovec) );

I welcome your advice, fixes or flames

Tony Lambregts
-------------- next part --------------
Script started on Mon Apr  8 11:29:24 2002
[tony at tony winsock]$ make clean
rm -f *.o *.a *.so *.ln \#*\# *~ *% .\#* *.bak *.orig *.rej *.flc *.spec.c *.spec.def *.glue.c lex.yy.c core        tests/testlist.c 
[tony at tony winsock]$ make depend
../../tools/makedep -I. -I. -I../../include -I../../include  -C. async.c socket.c      -C. 
[tony at tony winsock]$ make
LD_LIBRARY_PATH="../../unicode:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" ../../tools/winebuild/winebuild -fPIC -L../../dlls -o winsock.spec.c -spec winsock.spec
gcc -c -I. -I. -I../../include -I../../include  -g -O2 -Wall -fPIC -D__WINE__ -DUSE_WS_PREFIX -D_REENTRANT -I/usr/X11R6/include -o winsock.spec.o winsock.spec.c
gcc -c -I. -I. -I../../include -I../../include  -g -O2 -Wall -fPIC -D__WINE__ -DUSE_WS_PREFIX -D_REENTRANT -I/usr/X11R6/include -o async.o async.c
gcc -c -I. -I. -I../../include -I../../include  -g -O2 -Wall -fPIC -D__WINE__ -DUSE_WS_PREFIX -D_REENTRANT -I/usr/X11R6/include -o socket.o socket.c
socket.c: In function `WSASendTo':
socket.c:1990: sizeof applied to an incomplete type
socket.c:2000: arithmetic on pointer to an incomplete type
socket.c:2000: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
socket.c:2001: arithmetic on pointer to an incomplete type
socket.c:2001: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
socket.c: In function `WSARecvFrom':
socket.c:3286: sizeof applied to an incomplete type
socket.c:3295: arithmetic on pointer to an incomplete type
socket.c:3295: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
socket.c:3296: arithmetic on pointer to an incomplete type
socket.c:3296: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
make: *** [socket.o] Error 1
[tony at tony winsock]$ exit

Script done on Mon Apr  8 11:30:32 2002

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