DTR/DSR vs RTS/CTS - followup

Raul Dias chaos at swi.com.br
Thu Aug 1 20:33:41 CDT 2002

Oi Miguel,

I had similar problems with serial printers and wine.
However, I think it is not related to signaling.

The printers are Itautec fiscal printers.
Which one are you using?

I don't think it is related to signaling because it used 
to work with wine.

Until sometime around 20001026 the printer worked fine.
After this there was a major serial recoding in wine which
broke the serial support (for the printer at least).

I do use wine-20001026 and it works great with the windows driver
(printing from a windows application).

I put an rpm wine in http://www.dias.com.br/RPMS/wine/wine-20001026-1cl.i386.rpm
It is from an old Conectiva Linux, but should be compatible 
with any distribution.  Just make sure no other wine is installed in the system.

Can you test this wine version (or build the on from the sources if you wish) ?

If it works, then there might be a chance for the wine serial support to
get revised :D 

What I really miss from the current tree is the client side fonts, as the fonts
looks really awful in that program with 20001026.


Raul Dias

 <lists at vmn.com.br> wrote:
>Hello All,
>Last week I sent an email about a problem with a serial printer that
>used DTS/DTR hardware flow control.
>I later understood that DTS/DTR was not supported in linux , and
>therefore not in wine. Linux [and wine] support RTS/CTS hardware flow control.
>Since the protocols are similar, an ideia that I received was to construct a
>cable that made the computer think it was using RTS/CTS and the printer think it
>was using DTR/DTS.
>Today, I received the cable from the printer manufacturer and the initial tests
>with wine/linux worked.
>RTS - Ready To Send
>CTS - Clear To Send
>DTR - Data Terminal Ready
>DSR - Data Set Ready
>Here is a snippet of mytestapp --debugmsg +comm
>trace:comm:COMM_Init COM1 = /dev/ttyS0
>trace:comm:COMM_Init LPT1 = /dev/lp0
>trace:comm:COMM_Init COM2 = /dev/ttyS1
>trace:comm:COMM_Init COM3 = /dev/ttyS2
>trace:comm:COMM_Init COM4 = /dev/modem
>trace:comm:BuildCommDCBAndTimeoutsA (COM2:9600,N,8,1,0x4002af48,(nil))
>trace:comm:COMM_BuildOldCommDCB (COM2:9600,N,8,1), ptr 0x4002af48
>trace:comm:COMM_BuildOldCommDCB baudrate (9600)
>trace:comm:COMM_BuildOldCommDCB parity (N)
>trace:comm:COMM_BuildOldCommDCB charsize (8)
>trace:comm:COMM_BuildOldCommDCB stopbits (1)
>trace:comm:SetCommState handle 52, ptr 0x4002af48
>trace:comm:SetCommState bytesize 8 baudrate 9600 fParity 0 Parity 0 stopbits 1
>trace:comm:SetCommState ~IXON ~IXOFF
>trace:comm:SetCommState CRTSCTS
>trace:comm:SetCommMask handle 52, mask 10
>Thanks every one from wine-devel for all the prompt answers I received.
>Miguel Feitosa
>This mail sent through IMP: webmail.vmn.com.br

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