Fwd: Re: [putty]Winelib support + patch

Dan Kegel dank at kegel.com
Tue Dec 3 12:35:24 CST 2002

Alexandre Julliard wrote:
> Dan Kegel <dank at kegel.com> writes:
>>Alexandre Julliard wrote:
>>>Yes, it would be possible to resolve imports directly through the ELF
>>>tables and avoid our own separate import mechanism; basically this
>>>would be a PE-aware ld.so. It's quite a bit of work though, and
>>>portability is an issue. In any case it's for after 1.0 IMO.
>>Portability to NetBSD shouldn't be an issue, as
>>they seem to have already implemented it :-)  See
> As far as I can tell, this is only a PE loader, so you need to
> cross-compile everything as PE dlls. What we would want for Wine is an
> ELF loader that can also load PE and seamlessly link binaries of both
> types together.

Wouldn't it suffice to compile the Wine DLLs as PE?
Then you wouldn't need to link binaries of different
types together.
- Dan

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