Janitorial Projects -- conformance tests --recruiting volunteers

Francois Gouget fgouget at free.fr
Mon Dec 9 15:29:32 CST 2002

On Mon, 9 Dec 2002, David Miller wrote:

> I could probably run some tests under WinXP.  I just need to compile the
> tests on windows, execute them, and post output to wine-devel?  Is this correct?

Almost. Currently building the tests on Windows requires using Linux at
some point :-/

So what I did is compile them here, whip up a quick batch file to
invoke them all, and zip them up. You can download them from:


Just unzip them in some random directory and run them as follows:


The above script skips the generated tests (for no particular reason)
and skips the sysparams user32 test because it messes the environment
badly (e.g. the width of window borders).

Given the number of tests that fail you may want to run them one by one
to better capture their output. To do so just have a quick look at
the batch file, running the tests is very easy, e.g.:

kernel32_test.exe path

The zip file I made is very rough on the edges. What we need is:
 * automatic generation of that batch file (by msvcmaker?)
 * automatic zipping of the tests
 * better handling of Wine_Header vs. MSVC_Header tests
 * or maybe just base this on the MinGW cross-compiler rather than the
Visual C++ 'port'

Volunters welcome.

Francois Gouget         fgouget at free.fr        http://fgouget.free.fr/
                     f u kn rd ts, ur wy 2 gky 4 ur wn gd.

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