MSI (MS Installer)

Scott Cote scote at
Tue Dec 10 16:02:37 CST 2002

Thanks to all that who responded to my MSI query. It sounds like I need
not look into implementing it. I just wanted to address one issue.

>> We don't need to implement every MS dll. We only need to implement:
>> - core dlls (kernel32, comclt32, ...) which applications expect to be
>>   available
>> - dlls used for compiling/porting (msvcrt)

>> I guess this msiexec is not loaded to the system after a clean
>> Windowsinstall. In this case the installer must cope with the situation
>> msiexec is not there and must provide it itself.

I agree that the installers that are blindly expecting msiexec to be there
are flawed. However, since most windows machines have msiexec installed,
the end result is that these installers will run on most windows machines
but not on wine.

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