Dimitrie O. Paun dpaun at rogers.com
Sun Dec 22 09:41:32 CST 2002

On December 22, 2002 06:03 am, Ove Kaaven wrote:
> Perhaps you could investigate the mingw headers to see
> if they've changed the #ifs around to get around this.

This is how they do it:

#define __VARIANT_NAME_1 n1
#define __VARIANT_NAME_2 n2
#define __VARIANT_NAME_3 n3
#define __VARIANT_NAME_4 n4
#define __tagVARIANT
#define __VARIANT_NAME_1
#define __VARIANT_NAME_2
#define __VARIANT_NAME_3
#define __VARIANT_NAME_4

Maybe our way is the right way. But it seems like wxWindows expects
nameless structures under all compilers, without defining
_FORCENAMELESSUNION... I can just define it, it's not a big deal,
just a small incompatibility.

Many things to fix, I'll get to it later on.


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