Dr. Seuss, licensing, and WINE

Andreas Mohr andi at rhlx01.fht-esslingen.de
Fri Feb 8 17:57:05 CST 2002

On Fri, Feb 08, 2002 at 04:07:30PM -0700, Brett Glass wrote:
> At 03:25 PM 2/8/2002, Andreas Mohr wrote:
> >If Wine wasn't there at all, then the vendor of such a package would
> >have to create *everything* from scratch.
> And would probably not be able to do so. So, we'd all be worse off
> as a result.
Sure (which I didn't address in my explanation)
I merely wanted to drive home the point that that EVERY CENT part is wrong.
I'm all for a wealthy mix of competition and "innovation" (sic !) in the
software market. As long as no software company doesn't "rob" our work
for very good cash without giving anything back...

> It's truly wonderful to have a base of publicly available, truly free 
> software upon which everyone can try to build things (and, if they
> need to invest money in building them, sell the results when they're
> done). If it weren't for the BSD TCP/IP stack, for example, there 
> would not be an Internet. It's only because virtually every 
> operating system -- commercial and non-commercial -- could integrate 
> parts of BSD freely that we're able to have this conversation today. 
> (Come to think of it, WINE probably wouldn't exist either.)
Full ACK.

Andreas Mohr                        Stauferstr. 6, D-71272 Renningen, Germany
Tel. +49 7159 800604                http://home.nexgo.de/andi.mohr/

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