Listview ctrl

Gerard Patel gerard.patel at
Tue Jan 8 20:21:35 CST 2002

At 09:31 AM 08/01/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>So, after much work and no testing, here is a first try at doing that. The
>good news is that it seems it compiles. The bad news is that I have no
>idea how to test it. So any suggestions on how to test the listview
>control, or any help with the testing is greatly appreciated, as well as
>any comments on the patch itself.

I have tested it with some of my test apps and I see a few
regressions. With rowlist.exe that comes with Vc++, using
'large icons' and 'full details' only the first character of the
text is displayed.
The little program found at (IIRC it installs
correctly under Wine) displays another problem (maybe related) : 
columns other than the first can be not displayed in some cases.


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