C testing framework. ASCII/Unicode portable version

Dimitrie O. Paun dimi at cs.toronto.edu
Wed Jan 23 11:16:18 CST 2002

On Tue, 22 Jan 2002, Alexandre Julliard wrote:

> Absolutely; but this has nothing to do with TCHAR at all, we need a
> convenient way to specify Unicode strings in any case.

Indeed, the two issues are orthogonal.

Since my Linux box is down for a few days now, here is some untested code
trying to implement the teststr() idea.


/* The teststr() function iterates through a set of strings  */
/* with a certain set of characteristics. When the set is    */
/* exausted, it returns NULL. The sets are identified by a   */
/* constants defined later in the header, with the prefix    */
/* TSC_. Typical usage of the function is as follows:        */
/*     TCSTR tstr = TSC_XXX;                                 */
/*     while ( tstr = teststr(tstr) )                        */
/*         <code which uses tstr>                            */
/* Simply replate T with A/W for encoding specific code.     */
LPCWSTR teststrW(LPCWSTR wstr);
LPCSTR  teststrA(LPCSTR astr);

/* the TESTSTR.class field defines the class of strings      */
/* in the future, we can have a union which holds additional */
/* parameters for the given class of strings.                */
typedef struct tagTESTSTRW
    int class;
    LPCWSTR str;

typedef struct tagTESTSTRA
    int class;
    LPCSTR str;

#define _TSCT(cls, strtype, t) \
    extern TESTSTR##t tsc_##cls##t; \
    LPC##strtype const TSC_##cls##t = &(tsc_##cls##t.str)

#define _TSC(cls) \
    _TSCT(cls, WSTR, W); \
    _TSCT(cls, STR, A) 

#define STR2TESTSTR(str) (LPTESTSTR)( ((void*)str) - \
    ((void*)&tsc_ANYA.str) - ((void*)&tsc_ANYA) )

/* constants defining the test string sets 
#define TSC_ANY _TSC(ANY)
#define TSC_XXX .....


#define BEGINA (LPCSTR)(-1)
#define BEGINW (LPCWSTR)(-1)


LPCSTR teststrA(LPCSTR str)
    LPTESTSTR tstr = STR2TESTSTR(str);
    if (tstr.str == BEGINA) ...
    <here we can do a lot of things>

<similarly for teststrW>

Now, should I go more into the details of the implementation? Is everyone
convinced that the interface is 
(1) simple, 
(2) useful,
(3) implementable?


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