ReactOS/Mingw32 port

Steven Edwards Steven_Ed4153 at
Sun Jan 27 18:12:36 CST 2002

>.def files could either be generated from the .spec file, or winebuild
>could be modified to work with .def files. But in any case we should
>not have to maintain the same information at two different places.

Ok no problem, I will take a look at that and see what I can come up

>Binary resources obviously shouldn't be put into the tree; why can't
>you build them from source under ReactOS?  Can't you use Wine wrc for

I will have to take another look and see whats up. I didn’t do the port
to ReactOS so I'm just going on what I find and whats been told.

>You should be using configure if possible. If you use #ifdefs you have
>to test features detected by configure (the HAVE_xxx symbols); as a
>rule platform-specific #ifdefs (like #ifdef REACTOS) must be avoided.
>But all kinds of ifdefs should be avoided as much as possible.

Currently we are using our own makefile and helper makefile stucture
with mingw, I will take a look at using configure and adding a ReactOS
target this week.

Are you accepting the latest patches for wcmd and osversioncheck? The
last ones don’t require #ifdefs and fix the old wine_main entry.


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