Question about --debugmsg +snoop

Dmitry Timoshkov dmitry at
Mon Jul 8 07:28:29 CDT 2002

"Uwe Bonnes" <bon at> wrote:

>     Dmitry> Try +snoop=ole32.dll
> Are you sure this still works after Alexandrs's restructuring of the debug
> configuration?

Of course it doesn't :-( And in the mean time it's impossible to enable
snooping for a single dll.

> Snooping fails when the DLL exports a variable and wine exchanges that
> variable with a function call.

That's a rather rare thing to happen and it's not a common way of windows
programming either. But in any case you are right: snooping is a very
fragile feature.

> The calling process accesses this function as
> a variable, and writing to it crashes. The __TRY/__ENDTRY for argument
> printing seems rather robust.

Unfortunately not for me (debugging huge MS Office apps). Also that
exception handling block somehow influences the whole way of execution
of the debugged (snooped) application: it might crash without +snoop,
not crash with it, and vice versa.


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