CVS broken?

Paul Millar paulm at
Sat Jul 20 11:13:22 CDT 2002

On Fri, 19 Jul 2002, Boris Reisig wrote:
> Wine stopped compiling a fews days ago or maybe a week. I download the
> CVS every few days and I noticed that it cant compile anymore.

On Sat, 20 Jul 2002, David D. Hagood wrote:
> I'm trying to rebuild Wine from a CVS pull of a few seconds ago (Sat Jul 
> 20 13:58:37 UTC 2002),

It compiles fine for me :)

BTW, I do rolling cvs builds and regression tests every time cvs is
altered.  The results are available at:

> I am getting the following error:
> make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/wine/tools/widl'
> gcc  [...]  -I.  [...]  -I../../tools/wpp  [...]  header.c
> In file included from header.c:36:
> ../../tools/wpp/ parse error before `wrc_sll_t'
  [similar errors]
> header.c: In function `is_object':
  [further knock-on effects]

The problem seems to be caused (in the first case) by using the wrong file.  I did:
   cd tools/widl
   ln -s ../../tools/wpp/
   touch header.c && make
and was able to reproduce your problem.

The header file tools/widl/ is generated by either yacc or bison
(whatever you've got installed) as part of the normal build process.

If tools/widl/ exists, then either your compiler is broken (as it's
using the wrong or your copy of yacc/bison is producing broken
code that closely resembles tools/wpp/ Occam's razor says the
former is more likely :)

If tools/widl/ doesn't exist, then there's something wrong with
your yacc/bison or the build script as the necessary file wasn't produced.

So, do you have a tools/widl/ file? Do you get any other warning or
error messages just before header.c fails to compile?

Oh, one last thing, you might want to do a quick sanity check on your 
cvs, for example:
  cvs status|grep Status|grep -v Up-to-date
from wine's base directory.



Paul Millar

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