PATCH: Convert HMIDI to void*

Eric Pouech eric.pouech at
Wed Jul 31 15:11:51 CDT 2002

Michael Stefaniuc a écrit :
> Hello,
> am I right that HMIDI and HMIDIIN, HMIDIOUT shouldn't be
> interchangeable? Would save some conversions.
yes & no
HMIDIIN cannot be used for a HMIDIOUT (anyway, this will be checked
internally by our mmsys implementation: all HMIDI???? handles are stored
in the same table, and we never rely on the HMIDI??? handle type but on
the actual object type)
however, HMIDI can be used for a HMIDIIN (or HMIDIOUT or HMIDISTRM)
handle (see midiConnect for example)

it's true that midimap dll should use HMIDIOUT instead of HMIDI in its
internal data structure

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