User (developer ?) friendly execution trace

Michael Cardenas michael.cardenas at
Sat Jun 1 11:46:45 CDT 2002

I'd love to see that patch! Can anybody dig it up?

On Thu, May 30, 2002 at 08:05:10PM +0200, Eric Pouech wrote:
> > Much better would be an internal implementation....
> > Some comments about ?
> this has already been discussed. there should be a patch floating around
> (but never committed to Wine because ugly, code bloat, intrusive...) to 
> turn all debug channels on or off using a simple key stroke

Jeremy Shaw and another engineer here, David Fox, have been working for
some time on a tool, aptly called winelog, that's written in ocamel and
that takes the output of wine and does something pretty with it. 

We could share this with you guys if you're interested. 

What I'd really like to do is to make something like winelog, but
graphical, that would let you process the logs on the fly. Ideally you
would be able to do something like turn logging on or off, switch
between threads, turn channels on and off. Jeremy and I were planning on
using winelog as the backend for this and writing a graphical frontend,
but we haven't had much time to work on it. 

michael cardenas
lead windows compatibility engineer
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