Dynamically linking with a Unix library - or not

Behdad Esfahbod behdad at bamdad.org
Wed Jun 19 05:49:16 CDT 2002

On Wed, 19 Jun 2002, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
> Behdad Esfahbod wrote:
> >Your are quite right, Fribidi's main algorithms are not going to 
> >change anymore, the things I'm playing with these days are all 
> >interface and other side stuff (BTW if you want arabic joining 
> >too, things become a little different).
> I will, eventually. Then again, I don't think that integrating a first 
> version that isn't perfect in that respect, and then doing the port 
> again when you guys are done, is such a bad idea.

Yes, Ofcourse.
> >  The fribidi unicode 
> >tables (for just BMP = 16bit) takes something between 2k and 8k 
> >(space vs. speed configurable), so don't worry about that too.
> >
> Problem is that WINE already has its own unicode tables, and they do not 
> hold enough room for the the 3.0 bidi algo (havn't checked what FriBidi 
> is doing yet). I think it will be better for WINE (but not for my free 
> time) to merge the information (probably very similar already).

I wonder if WINE already has bidi tables of unicode too, if it 
has, no problem using it.

> As for compiling Fribidi with UTF-16 - from what I understood from what 
> you said before, such a thing may cause reordering problems if Fribidi 
> decides, for whatever reason, that a surrogate character needs to be 
> right to left. I am not 100% familiar with the bidi algorythm yet, but 
> won't marking all surrogate forms (both slices) as strong left to right 
> solve this problem?

The problem you are talking about will show itself when some one 
use RLO..PDF pairs (override embeddings) over some surrogate 
pairs, but this is not the main problem, I can hach fribidi to 
take care of surrogates and reorder them back if needed (really 
easy), the real problem is that when using UTF-16, fribidi will 
assume all surrogate characters LTR (strong left to right), but 
there *are* non-LTR characters there already (like language 
tags), and it may cause to different renderings.  If you want 
conformance, UTF-32 is needed ;-(.

> If not, we can always put in special handling that reorders surrogates 
> as a pair.
>             Shachar

Behdad Esfahbod				29 Khordad 1381, 2002 Jun 19 
http://behdad.org/			[Finger for Geek Code]

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