aRts driver resubmit

Christopher Morgan chmorgan at
Tue Mar 19 14:50:35 CST 2002

Heh.  My bad on the 8 bit range check... I thought about changing that and 
forgot about it.  I'll add some code to optimize the memory allocation as well 
as have the volume routine do the copying as that should save some memory 
writes.  I'll resubmit to wine-patches tonight if those are the only issues you 
see thus far.


On Tue, 19 Mar 2002, Eric Pouech wrote:

> > Again, comments about the patch are appreciated.
> you asked for it ;-)
> - volume_effect8 is bogus. 8 bit samples range from 0 to 255 not
>   -32768 to +32767
> - as an optimization, you could
> 	+ not alloc and fill the output buffer in each call to
> 	  wodPlayer_WriteMaxFrags, but rather have a buffer ready
> 	  for the currently played wavehdr, and fill this buffer
> 	  only when the wavehdr advances
> 	+ this would also to check whether the buffer can be reused
> 	  for the next wavehdr instead of a free/alloc pair
> 	+ IMO, it would be better also to pass the buffer to the
> 	  volume conversion routine and to fill this buffer at once
> 	  with the volume conversion
> A+

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