wintab.dll: Copyright & trademark issues.

Patrik Stridvall ps at
Fri Nov 22 17:05:18 CST 2002

> As I mentioned in an e-mail a couple of days back,
> I'm about to start implemening a version of wintab.dll.
> First I want to ask about legal issues:
> 1. trademark issues.
> wintab is a trademark.
> Does this impact on the ability to implement wintab.dll

No, I can't see how.

Everything we will reasonable do with the name are either unrelated to
trademarks or are used in reference to what is protected by the

> 2. API header files.
> Please look at the licence for the API files, avaialable at the 
> following URL:
> Does this allow our use of the headers, in Wine?
> Does it allow the use of fragments of the headers in Wine?

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