Started playing with Wineserver on mingw/cygwin again

Eric Pouech eric.pouech at
Thu Feb 6 14:59:23 CST 2003

> However, at least in the Linux / glibc 2.3.x case, there's a new gettid
> call that returns a 'thread ID' that used to be the pid, and a new tkill
> system call that can be used to send a signal to one TID, just like the
> old Linux kill would send a signal to a specific thread.  I think using
> those we could carry over our old Linux-specific hacks one to one, and
> it still should work even if our threads are glibc 2.3.x pthreads.
sounds better !!
the other issue would the maintainability of all this stuff...
and also, our unability to convert this to other POSIX pthreads 
implementations (Solaris...)

but, at least, it looks like a road to follow

Eric Pouech

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