popupmenu itemsize

Brad Campbell brad at seme.com.au
Thu Feb 13 19:25:07 CST 2003

Uwe Bonnes wrote:

>    Christian> PS: By the way: every cvs operation (update, diff) hangs
>    Christian> after processing the last directory. However it seems to be
>    Christian> complete and pressing CTRL-C seems not to corrupt
>    Christian> anything. Any ideas?
>Are you using rhlx01.fht-esslingen.de? Andi works on that problem then.
I had this on another server, and solved it by upgrading CVS to the next
I  believe you can also prevent this by not using the -z option, but as
I have already
upgraded cvs this I can't test.

The version of cvs in debian Woody has this problem. I upgraded to the
version from
testing to make it go away.


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