Fast thread-local storage for OpenGL drivers

Dan Kegel dank at
Sat Feb 22 12:14:12 CST 2003

Gareth Hughes wrote:
> To be clear, what I'm proposing requires ZERO code changes to Wine and
> glibc.  It will work today, with Wine implementations already in the field.
> All I'm proposing we do is make sure it continues to work in the future,
> irrespective of the decision made regarding the use of glibc's new __thread
> variable support.

If it turns out glibc's new __thread variable support really can do what
you need on all platforms, do you agree that it might be better to
use that?

> As I said in my last email, there are some unresolved issues with using
> __thread variables:
> 1) We need fast TLS access on platforms where __thread variables are not
> supported.

Which platforms are those?  I didn't see this in your previous email.

> 2) must be able to be dynamically loaded.  Failing to dlopen
> will, at the very least, make the entire Linux gaming community
> very unhappy :-)

Agreed.  I think the authors of the new __thread support agree, too.

> 3) It is unclear how online generated code can interact with __thread
> variables.  Perhaps this is simpler than I think...

- Dan

Dan Kegel

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